Part 7 - Cedric Diggory and Draco Malfoy

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He stepped backwards as I lunged myself onto him, embracing him into a tight hug.

"Calm down Lottie!" He whined as I pulled away.

"Sorry Ced!" I laughed as he rubbed his sides. A owl came flying down and landed on my shoulder, they always did that because they sensed I was an owl too.

"Owls have always loved you haven't they!" Cedric laughed as he stroked the owl before it flew off.

I looked at him as he watched it. "So little miss Gryffindor are we!" He tickled me.

"Yeah! STOP STOP" I laughed almost choking. He stopped and walked down the steps back into the castle with me by his side.

When we got to the Entance Hall he hugged me and headed into the hall. I followed him and left as he went to the Hufflepuff table and I went to Gryffindors table.

I sat down next to Harry and Hermione along Vicky, who was talking to Hermione. I looked at Harry "So, Halloween tomorrow! We'll be finding out what's happening this year and why there is no quidditch." I said to him smiling.

He nodded and looked at me "Was that Cedric who you walked in with?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh calm down bro, don't go all protective now!!" I laughed nudging him in the side. He nudged me back playfully then we both laughed until Albus stood up and asked for quiet. Instantly the hall was silent.

Time Lapse

"Bloody hell!" Rom exclaims as we were all walking out of Great Hall.

"I knew about it" I said because I was the only one who was shocked. They all looked at me like I was mad.

"Why didn't you tell us about the Triwizard Tournament?" Hermione asked sounding upset.

I shrugged "I didn't want to spoil it for you"

We walked in silence towards the Gryffindor common room. Once we got there I bumped into a bleach blond boy.

"Sorry" I said and looked at the boy, he looked nasty but quite cute.

"That's alright" He said then looked behind me "Ahh Potter!" He smiled smugly.

"Draco!" Harry said and walked off back down the stairway pulling Ron and Hermione with him.

I was left with him. We were alone. "You two friends?" I asked.

He looked at me like I had three heads "Not exactly." He replied "Your Charlotte Dumbledore from Durmstang aren't you?" I nodded and smiled remembering nobody knew that I was actually a Potter.

"Yeah that's me" I said smiling and doing jazz hands.

He laughed and clapped "Well I better be off, see you later Charlotte" he waved as he went off down the steps.

"Call me Lottie!" I was blushing, great that was just great. I walked through the portrait hole and sat on the sofa in the common room and closed my eyes.

I'm Charlotte Potter | ✓Where stories live. Discover now