Chapter 4 - Book 2

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I get down the few flights of stairs and end up next to the kitchen door. I can here Mrs Weasley shouting at Ron and I can't help but laugh.

Funny comes out of the kitchen and almost collides with me "Ron just knocked the pan of bacon off the stove and it's gone everywhere! And to top it off he dropped the milk he was holding too!"

That it, I couldn't hold it in any longer I burst out laughing clutching my side. Ginny soon joined in and we had to hold onto the wall for support.

Mrs. Weasley soon comes to the door and sees us there, I can tell she is surprised to see me out of my bedroom where I've been hiding.

"Charlie!" She exclaims ushering me into the kitchen "Come come!"

I smile as everyone's eyes divert to me with shock clear as day in each and everyone's eyes. Harry is the first to come up and give me a hug.

"Morning lil' sis!" He exclaims messing up my hair, I scowl at him. At the start of summer he found out that he is 4 minutes older than me and he isn't letting me live it down.

"Morning big bro!" I say back before sitting in a seat between George and Hermione.

"Hey." Hermione says giving me a smile "Have you seen Crookshanks anywhere?"

"Oh yeah I think Crookshanks is under my bed, as soon as I opened the door she ran under there." I say pointing upwards signifying my room upstairs.

I start eating as soon as the bacon sandwich is put in front of me, do you blame me? All I've eaten for like 6 weeks is bread, butter and apples. Also the odd chocolate frog.

I finished my food way before anyone else and decide to go out for a fly, "I'm going to go upstairs and finish some homework off." I say excising myself. They probably all know I'm going out.

I run up the stairs and get to the corridor with a large open window at the end, I quickly run down the corridor and jump out the window see shifting into my owl as I do.

I spread my wing and spin around in the summer breeze, it feels so good to be out at last. I stop at a near by tree and rustle my feathers and give out a lively hoot.

Suddenly something caught my eye, a scruffy dog walking around the streets. That's odd there aren't suppose to be dogs around here...

I fly to a closer tree and get a better look at him, when he turns the corner I focus on his shadows. I gasp when I see the dog shadow turn into a man shadow. That means he's a...

I fly behind some dustbins and change back to my normal self. I walk over to were the boy has just come back into the street.

He looks a year older than me with dark brown hair and greyish eyes. He is tall and very muscular and I think I have a crush!

No no, no no I have Cedric.

I am about to turn when his voice stops me. I turn to see him walking towards me and I stand still.

"Hey I'm Kodi, I'm new here just moved to a new school." He says shaking my hand.

"I'm Charlotte, what's the name of the school?" I ask politely trying to be subtle.

"Its called the school for girls who need to learn how to shift away from others." He said and my head snaps to his and I can tell my expression is shocked. "Yeah that's right I saw you change but you probably saw me change from that scruffy dog to this."

I laugh "well good to know I wouldn't have to force it out of you." I say pushing him playfully. He rolled his eyes but chuckled.

"Like you could ever actually force anything out of me." He said taking a few steps towards me trying to look taller and tougher.

"P-u-lease! I could take you down!" I laugh out and straight away spin my leg around and knock the back of his knees, his knees collapse and he falls into his knees in front of me. "I like you, strange girl, I do like you."

"Why thank you kind sir." I say in an overly British accent, I do a small bow to prove my point of victory.

"So do you go to Hogwarts then?" He asks and I look at him, is he is going to Hogwarts? "I'm starting 6th year, I'm 16 and you'll see me with a load of 10-11 year olds seeing what house I'm in."

"I'm in Gryffindor and I had to do that last year, in 15 now and in 5th year." I say "I think you'll enjoy it! I certainly do but a lot of things go wrong there. Last year it was the truth wizard tournaments and I got sucked into it which ended up with me getting scars."

"I heard a about all that, I'm sorry." He says kindly, then I remember Harry's hearing but he will tell me later. I'm having fun here with Kodi plus if Dumbledore is with Harry he should be fine.

"It's fine. The worst professor is Snape though so beware of him, he hates Gryffindor and live Slytherin as he is their head of house." I say in a joking serious voice.

"Better stay on the good list then." He chuckles and pushes my softly making me join in with laughter. I haven't lush he's this much for so long it feels so nice.

"I have to head of but," I say starting to walk away "Nice dog!"

I hear him laugh "Yeah well nice owl, Owl Girl." He shouts back "I'm going to call you Owl girl!"

I laugh and start shifting until I'm in my owl form, I fly higher then look down to see Kodi is gone.

Oh well.

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