Chapter 1

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You could hear the sound of screaming, the sound of the city around you falling apart as monsters from the sky come down to cast their destruction. I sit in front of the broken building, where my Mom pushed me away to safety. I watched as she and Papa get crushed as they both died. 

I can still hear them calling out my name, them smiling at me before New York became a battlefield. Now here alone, it sinks in like a crashing wave as tears fall from my eyes. I scream in agony as if I've been shot in the heart. My mind goes fuzzy, and my hands begin to glow a soft white. 

All the practice I've done to conceal it was thrown out as I grip my hands feeling nothing but sadness. Hearing something behind me, I turn my head to see pale green monsters surrounding me. Feeling a sense of anger mix with my grief, I rise, glaring at them with anger and fury. 

Blasting them away, I watch as they fall with a gaping holes in their bodies. Feeling my tears fall freely, I walk through the war zone, taking down anything that came in my path. Looking up, I see many more flying in the sky, lifting myself up in the air. I blast them quickly, making them fall to the ground of corpses. 

Watching as the portal in the sky closes and the monsters that remain fall, I find myself calming down. Slowly returning to the ground, I find myself on my knees, alone, empty, and lifeless.

"Don't Move. You're Surrounded."

I look up to see men in black with guns in hand surrounding me; feeling drowsy, I fall to the ground letting the darkness consume me. 

Mini Timeskip

Opening my eyes slowly, they feel heavy, strained under the bright light above me. Sitting up, I quickly notice the thick cuffs around my wrist. Panic waves over me, creeping fast as I recall the moments before I black out. The moment of death, sadness, anger, emptiness. Right now, nothing felt right; nothing felt real; everything feels like a nightmare I haven't woken up from. 

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

I stand slowly looking around the white-walled room that only held a simple bed against the wall. Hearing nothing, I try to use my magic only for nothing to come out. Sighing, I plop down on the bed and think.

What should I do from here? What will happen if I stay? Will they experiment on me? Will they kill me? Looking at the door, I let my hands rest on my head. I whisper to myself, "I have to get out of here."

Feeling frustrated, backed into a corner, I spiral in thought. What's if's cloud my mind, fear sits on my shoulder; sorrow fills my heart. In the midst of the silence, I hear something; it's far, but it's there; looking at the door, I hear rain.

Something so soothing, so comforting, I can look back on the days I would stare at the rain that fell on my window. That sends me to sleep calming me now; it weeps with me as I cry at the simple memory of my close past. 

Holding my tongue, I wipe the tears from my face, "I have to stay strong."

Trying to hold myself together, I look at the cuffs and try to break them. I don't know what I expect, but after what seems like forever, it snaps in two. I stare in amazement as I feel the magic within my body circulating. Heating up my hand, I break the rest of the cuffs and stand. 

Walking over to the door, I break the handle and open the door slowly. Peaking out, I see no one down the deserted hall. Closing the door behind me, I walk down quietly. Hearing the sound of the rain, I follow the sound, staying hidden as much as possible.

Hearing others, I wait until they walk away before turning. The sound of rain grows louder, only to drown out by the sound of whispers. There were so many; they are so scattered, I stop in my tracks, placing my hand on my head. 

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