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Nakul was looking for Arjun everywhere and found him in the royal garden. Nakul could sense his anger as he furiously walked around.

"Bhrata Arjun ?" Nakul called. Arjun looked at him and quickly ran towards him.

"Nakul ! Did you get any information ?" Arjun asked.

"Anart-raj is very adamant for Jaydrath to apologize to Rajkumari Savyasachi, but Tatshree Dhritrashtra fears that then Dusshala's marriage will be broken." Nakul said.

"Oh side is my Love's honor and on the other side is my sister's marriage...." Arjun said

"So Anart-raj proposed a solution." Nakul said.

"What solution ?" Arjun asked.

"He said that if Jaydrath apologizes to Rajkumari Savyasachi then he will marry Dusshala." Nakul said.

"Go on." Arjun said.

"And Maharaj Dhritrashtra agreed." Nakul said.


Next morning both Jaydrath and Savyasachi were ordered to present yourself at the court.

"Rajkumari Savyasachi, what happened yesterday is a punishable crime and we in Hastinapoor condemn such acts. We apologize to you from our behalf." Bhism said.

"Now, Sindhuraj Jaydrath come forward and apologize to Rajkumari Savyasachi." Dhritrashtra said.

"No." Jaydrath said as he struggled to get free from the chains.

"Do you have no remorse for what you have done ?" Vidur asked.

"No. And I shall never apologize." Jaydrath said.

"I will see how you won't apologize." Arjun said going towards Jaydrath.

Arjun grabbed the back of Jaydrath's neck and forcefully brings him in front of Savyasachi, pushing his head on her feet.

"Apologize right now !" Arjun said. Everyone looked at him surprised. Jaydrath shook his head a no.

"Sindhuraj apologize right now or you will be shown no mercy." Yuddhistir said.

"I-I APOLOGIZE !" Jaydrath screamed frustrated and Arjun let goes of him.

"Now we would like Sindhuraj Jaydrath to leave Hastinapoor immediately and not repeat this behavior with anyone." Dhritrashtra said and the guards took him away.

Arjun and Savyasachi went back to their places as Bhism stood up to make an announcement.

"Now unfortunately due to Sindhuraj Jaydrath's behavior, the marriage of Dusshala was broken. And we are glad that it was because we finally got to know how terrible of a man our beloved princess was going to marry. Now Anart-raj Devesh wants to say something to Rajkumari Dusshala." Bhism said.

Devesh came forward and looked up where Dusshala was standing along with Kunti, Gandhari, Subhadra and Madhavi.

"Maharaj Dhritrashtra was concerned as to who will marry his daughter now and his concern is valid. But it was also the matter of my sister's honor, so I was very adamant for this apology. But none of this was your fault Rajkumari Dusshala so you don't deserve to pay for it. And the question has arisen, who will accept you ? Who will hold your hand for a lifetime ? I don't know, but what I know is I am ready to. But remember I am not forcing myself unto you, the decision will be yours and will be accepted by me." Devesh said.

Dusshala couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was this real or was this a dream ? She wasn't able to decide.

"So Rajkumari Dusshala, will you marry me ?" Devesh asked.

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