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The entire Hastinapoor was getting emotional as they were doing the Vidayi of Dusshala.

Tears escaped from the eyes of Dusshala, Gandhari, Dhritrashtra and Kunti. Even the Pandavas and Kauravas had numb eyes.

Dusshala lastly walked in front of Duryodhan, and bent down to touch his feet but he stopped her and embraced Dusshala instead as a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Anart-raj, Dusshala can be naive at times, forgive her mistakes and take good care of her." Dhritrashtra said joining his hands.

"No Maharaj ! You don't join hands in front of me." Devesh stopped him.

"We have been blessed Jamai-raj, that Dusshala has been married to you." Gandhari said.

"Where is Madhavi ?" Savyasachi asked Subhadra.

"I don't know." Subhadra said.

Little did they knew on the other side Madhavi was with Nakul bidding him goodbye.

"You must go now." Nakul said sadly.

"Don't worry, we will meet soon." Madhavi said.

"Hopefully." Nakul said.

Madhavi got on her tiptoes and then kissed Nakul's cheek, he looked at her surprised.

"Good bye." Madhavi chuckled at his reaction and left.

"Oh dear..." Nakul giggled touching his cheek.


Devesh, Dusshala, Madhavi, Savyasachi, Subhadra and Arjun decided to rest near a waterfall.

"Anart-raj, I suggest we continue our journey after breakfast, in that way we can reach Dwarika till noon." Arjun said.

"Sounds good." Devesh agreed.

"Let me just check the if the arrangements are alright." Arjun said and went outside.

Dusshala entered the tent of Devesh with a plate of food in her hands.

"Arya, I brought you some food." Dusshala said, sitting beside him.

"Thank you." Devesh said.

"No need to thank me, it is my duty after all Arya." Dusshala said.

"Did you have food ?" Devesh asked. Dusshala shook her head.

"You will get sick Dusshala if you don't have your food on time, and don't forget we are traveling after all." Devesh said.

"I will have my food after you." Dusshala said.

"No. You are having it right now with me." Devesh said.

"Fine Arya." Dusshala said and they both started eating together.

Outside, Arjun was roaming around seeing if everything was alright and then he saw Savyasachi, Subhadra and Madhavi playing in the water.

He smiled seeing Savyasachi, who looked as innocent as a child playing with water and laughing at Subhadra's jokes. She looked harmonious, completely living in the moment.

 She looked harmonious, completely living in the moment

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