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Krishna and Arjun ran away as Savyasachi chased behind them. Dusshala, Rukmini, Revati and Madhavi looked at them confused.

"What is happening ?" Dusshala asked.

"They are playing Lath-maar Holi." Subhadra said.

"How do we play that ?" Madhavi asked.

"The ladies grab sticks and hit the men." Subhadra said.

"I too want to play it." Rukmini said.

"The sticks are there." Revati said.

The ladies quickly grabbed the sticks they found and started searching for the men, they found Devesh and Balram talking.

The men looked at them with wide eyes as they realized what was going to happen.

"No-No-No-No, you don't want to do this." Devesh said.

"Yes we will." Dusshala said.

"DEVESH RUN ! Balram said grabbing his hand and running away.

"Arya you cannot run away !" Revati said chasing them with other ladies.

On the other side, Savyasachi was chasing Arjun and Krishna. Soon Devesh and Balram also joined them, and the ladies joined Savyasachi.

The men grabbed shields to protect themselves from the sticks of the ladies. Duryodhan, Dushashan and Shakuni came hearing the commotion and were surprised seeing the scene in front of them.

"What are they doing ?" Duryodhan asked.

"The ladies are trying to hit the men Bhratashree." Dushashan said. Duryodhan and Shakuni rolled their eyes.

"We can see that too Dushashan. I meant why are they doing this ?" Duryodhan said.

"Mere bacche they are playing the Lath-maar Holi. It is a specialty of Vrindavan, the place where Vasudev Shri Krishna was brought up." Shakuni said.

Devesh, Balram and Krishna went inside the palace courtyard, as Rukmini, Revati, Subhadra and Madhavi followed them.

"Come outside !" Revati said.

"NEVER !" The men said.

"Arya it won't be pleasant if we come inside !" Rukmini said.

"We are not coming outside." Krishna said.

"Dusshala what type of wife are you going to be if you will hit your husband ?" Devesh asked.

"A good wife nevertheless Arya." Dusshala chuckled.

"Bhrata Krishna, Bhrata Balram and Bhrata Devesh come outside !" Madhavi said.

"Its not fair Madhu, that all the ladies are teaming up against us three." Balram said.

"What about the time when you all used to team up against me ?" Subhadra asked.

"Subhadra its not the time to take revenge." Krishna said.

"No today is the day we take revenge ! Ladies let's go inside !" Rukmini said.

All the ladies went inside as the men started running away from them. Only Arjun and Savyasachi weren't there, as they were on the other side.

Arjun was running away and Savyasachi was chasing behind him. He accidentally came in front of the sinister three.

"Bhrata Arjun you wanted Rajkumari Savyasachi's love but instead you are getting her stick." Dusshan laughed.

"If it's given by her, then I accept it Bhrata Dushashan." Arjun said.

Savyasachi saw Arjun standing in front of Duryodhan, Dushashan and Shakuni, she saw her opportunity and went to hit him but Arjun moved aside right in time and she accidentally hit Dushashan's shoulder.

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