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Its been a week since Draupadi’s wedding, the Pandavas have established Indraprasth from Khandav-prasth.

Here at Anart, Madhavi hasn't been herself after coming from Panchal. All her dreams of marrying Nakul had shattered in front of her eyes.

She kept crying and weeping over Nakul. Savyasachi, Devesh and Dusshala tried to console her.

"Jiji....My dreams have shattered....I wanted his love..." Madhavi cried.

"It hurts but for how long will you cry ?" Savyasachi asked.

"You mother passed away giving birth to me, father never cared for me, I was seen as a bad luck by the people here, and he...he made me feel special, he made me realize that someone can love me..." Madhavi sobbed.

"Enough Madhavi ! I cannot see you like this !" Devesh said.

"Bhratashree, I had lost all the hopes of having a good life long before, but meeting him made me realize that my life can be a dream....but I didn't realize that dreams are meant to be broken." Madhavi said.

"Madhavi, Bhrata Nakul would also be very sad without you. You have to stay strong for him." Dusshala said.

"Stay strong ? I can't anymore, I have stayed strong for too long....I can't..." Madhavi cried.

On the otherside at Indraprasth, tears also kept falling from Nakul's eyes.

"Bhratashree, I promised to make her life a paradise, and I couldn't." Nakul sobbed.

"Stay strong Nakul." Arjun said.

"I don't know how to." Nakul said lowering his gaze.

"You are warrior Nakul, you know how to stay stronger." Arjun said.

"How can I stay strong Bhratashree when I betrayed her !? Showed her a dream only to shatter it later ! I am her culprit !" Nakul said crying.

"Who said you cannot fulfill her dreams ?" Arjun asked.

"I cannot be there for her forever, I cannot hold her from here, I cannot let her know how much she means to me, I cannot love her from here." Nakul said.

"So you thought love is only embracing and confessing ?" Arjun asked. Nakul looked at him confused.

"Dear Nakul, truly love is not bound by distance or time, its not just about holding your loved one, not just about telling them your feelings. Love is not a bond its liberation, its the purest form of devotion." Arjun said and Nakul looked at him.

"But Bhratashree, you too cannot always be with Rajkumari Savyasachi." Nakul said.

"Maybe I can't always be with her but one thing is sure, I will always be there for her. Yes she didn't accept my love, but at least she knows that someone in this world loves her truly and that is enough for me." Arjun said and Nakul looked at him.

"Think about it Nakul. Don't weep, try to find a solution." Arjun said.



Dushashan : Hey Sachi, want to go out with me ? *winks*

Shikhandini : Careful, I have been teaching Savyasachi few tricks.

Dushashan : What ?

Savyasachi : Wrist control and twist !

*Sachi grabs his hand and twists*

Dushashan : Ouch !

Shikhandini : Great, now remember Sachi twist until pop or ?

Savyasachi : Movement stops.

Dushashan : NO NO !

Savyasachi : Take care Dushashan.

*breaks his hand*

Shikhandini : *wipes tear* My baby...I'm so proud.

Dushashan : I hate you both......

(This is what happens when you spend too much time with Shikhandini...)


*Draupadi and Savyasachi at Hastinapoor*

Draupadi : It was a good idea to come here.

Savyasachi : Yeah I like to come here and judge people.

Draupadi : I also like to judge people silently.

Savyasachi : Silently ? Hey you ! Dushashan ! Walking like that makes you look like a psycho !

Draupadi : What !?

Savyasachi : That Angvastra makes you look Stupid Duryodhan !

Draupadi : Oh my god.

Savyasachi : Hey are you Blin- *gets dragged away by Draupadi*

Draupadi : That was Maharaj Dhritrashtra Sachi !

Want more Savya-Drau convos ?


Me after publishing a chapter everyday and getting praised :

Me after publishing a chapter everyday and getting praised :

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(My highest record is 6 chapters, during Harihareshwari 1)


Readers asking to update more chapters

Me who has written nothing in days and just publishing Draft chapters :

Me who has written nothing in days and just publishing Draft chapters :

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