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The next day Krishna had summoned Arjun, Duryodhan and Dushashan in his room.

"Why have you summoned us Vasudev ?" Duryodhan asked.

"I came to know that all three of you are in love with my sister Savyasachi. But the problem is only one can be with her." Krishna said.

"Then who do you deem worthy Vasudev ?" Dushashan asked.

"If I say the name, then I will be deemed as you all have to prove your worthiness." Krishna said.

"What is your leela Madhav ?" Arjun asked smiling and Krishna chuckled.

"There is a mountain in the forest between Dwarika and Saurashtra. On top of that mountain, there lies a cave which has one of Kamdev's special arrows. You have to bring it." Krishna said.

"What is so special about that arrow Madhav ?" Arjun asked.

"That arrow intertwines the destiny of two people, so if you hit Savyasachi with that arrow then you both will be destined to end up together." Krishna said.

"Then I shall retrieve the arrow this instant." Dushashan said.

"That arrow will retrieved by me Dushashan and then I will hit her and make Savyasachi mine forever." Duryodhan said.

"Madhav, what if she gets hurt ?" Arjun asked, worriedly.

"Kamdev's arrow don't hurt anyone Parth, she will barely feel it. Now off you all go !" Krishna said and the three men walked out of the room.

Running outside the palace, Duryodhan and Dushashan started looking for a rath, but Arjun without wasting any time got on a horse and left.

Duryodhan and Dushashan finally found the rath and started their journey. Reaching their destination they saw Arjun already climbing the mountain.

Both the Kauravas quickly got off the Rath and started climbing. Seeing that Dushashan was able to climb quickly, Duryodhan kicked his feet, making him fall on the ground.

"Bhratashree !" Dushashan exclaimed.

"Climb again Dushashan !" Duryodhan laughed.

"If I cannot have her then neither can you !" Dushashan yelled and Duryodhan looked back at him.

Dushashan picked up a rock and threw it at Duryodhan hitting his hand and making him fall on the ground too.

"DUSHASHAN !" Duryodhan fumed in anger but didn't do anything and instead started climbing again.

Dushashan too started climbing again but this time maintain a distance from Duryodhan.

Arjun was so much at top that it was now difficult to breathe as the air got thin.

"I have to retrieve the arrow, they don't deserve her." Arjun told himself.

Finally Arjun reached the top of the mountain and saw the cave Krishna was talking about.

He stood up panting and went inside the cave and saw the glowing magical arrow of Kamdev, it looked very normal but had an aura around it.

He went forward to grab it but a bright light emerged from it, stopping him.

"I am the Guardian of this Arrow, without answering my question you cannot retrieve it." The light said.

"What is your question ?" Arjun asked.

"You are here to retrieve the arrow, so you must want to make the loved one yours. Loving one means sharing their happiness and sadness. So Kumar tell me a phrase, if one remembers it in happiness they become sad, and if one remembers it in sadness they become happy." The bright light asked.

"If one remembers it in happiness, they become sad and if one remembers it in sadness they become happy ?" Arjun muttered thinking.

"Tell the phrase to me." The light asked.

"This time too shall pass." Arjun said.

"No one was able to answer this question since millenniums, you can have the arrow Kumar. May your love be yours." The light said and vanished.

Arjun grabbed the arrow and looked at it as he smiled, now Savyasachi will his no matter what. He giggled imagining a life with her.


"Madhav ! I got the arrow." Arjun said entering Krishna's room.

"Well done Parth !" Krishna said.

"Vasudev ! This is not fair !" Duryodhan said entering with Dushashan.

"What is not fair ?" Krishna asked.

"Savyasachi cannot be his." Dushashan said.

"But Parth got the arrow rightfully. No cheating like pushing one off the mountain or something." Krishna said.

Duryodhan and Dushashan looked at each other confused as to how he got to know.

"Bhrata Duryodhan and Dushashan its the best of you leave for Hastinapoor now." Arjun said.

"Whatever." Duryodhan said and stomped out of the room with Dushashan.

"Tell me Madhav what do we do now ?" Arjun asked.

"Now I will bring Savyasachi to the royal garden, talk with her and keep her occupied. Then you can shoot this arrow at her from behind a tree." Krishna said.

"Sounds good." Arjun agreed.


Arjun to Duryodhan and Dushashan after getting the arrow :

Arjun to Duryodhan and Dushashan after getting the arrow :

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Dushashan : Savyasachi will be mine !
Duryodhan : No she will be mine !
Arjun who got the arrow :

Dushashan : Savyasachi will be mine !Duryodhan : No she will be mine !Arjun who got the arrow :

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(He's like - Keep living your false imagination while I make her mine..)

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