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The wedding of Nakul and Madhavi took place in the most grand manner. After all it was Anart-raj's sister's wedding.

Both of them, more than paying attention to the wedding kept looking at each other. They still couldn't believe that they are marrying each other.

The post wedding rituals were taking place and the cowri game just began. Krishna, Rukmini, Balram and Subhadra had also come to attend it.

"Alright, whosoever will take out most cowri shells shall win." Dusshala said.

"You have to win, Madhu." Devesh said.

"No Nakul will win." Bheem said.

"I am fine with her wining." Nakul said winking at Madhavi, who blushed.

"Then Madhavi can win." Savyasachi said.

"Not so soon, Sachi. Arya Nakul, you cannot give up like this." Draupadi said.

"If Draupadi is saying, then I cannot let you win so easily Madhavi." Nakul said.

"We'll see Arya." Madhavi said. Nakul looked at her with wide eyes, did she just called him Arya ?

"Alright then game starts....NOW !" Krishna proclaimed.

Both Nakul and Madhavi started taking out cowri from the kesar milk. Taking out handful of cowri shells each time as everyone cheered.

"Alright stop !" Krishna said and they stopped.

"Lets count the shells." Draupadi said. She and Savyasachi started counting shells.

"Madhavi has 20 shells." Savyasachi said.

"Arya Nakul also has 20 shells." Draupadi said.

"Its a tie then." Subhadra said.

"But who will dominate who ?" Bheem asked.

"This means that both will be equally dominant." Rukmini said.

"Correctly said Rukmini." Krishna said.

Nakul and Madhavi looked at each other and then blushed.


The feast was suppose to begin in a few hours. Everyone was chatting but Savyasachi was sitting ideally, away from the crowd. Although she was was among people she still felt alone.

Her mind drifted off to Arjun, how he would never let her be alone. Be it Devesh and Dusshala's wedding, or just taking a stroll across the garden, or staring at the stars.

Suddenly Krishna came and approached her.

"Sachi." He called.

She looked at him and smiled, finally someone who cam eliminate the hopeless feeling in her heart. Krishna sadly smiled at her, oh how she was longing for someone.

"Good thing you came." Savyasachi said.

"Well Sachi if you don't mind, can we talk somewhere in private ?" Krishna asked.

"Sure." Savyasachi said.

They both went inside the palace and into her room.

"What is it you want to talk about ?" Savyasachi asked.

"I am very upset with what you tried to do few nights ago." Krishna said and Savyasachi lowered her gaze.

"I am sorry I wasn't in my senses. Don't be upset with me for I have no one except you Krishna." Savyasachi said.

"Devesh is there." Krishna said.

"He is married, I cannot bother him with my problems. Those nightmares are making me fall apart, and I have no one to talk to. I have become lonely Krishna." Savyasachi said.

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