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Next day, since morning Arjun was giving different types of juice made of medicinal herbs to Savyasachi so she could gain strength.

"Savyasachi, have this." Arjun said.

"This is the 6th kadha for today." Savyasachi complained.

"It is for you to gain strength." Arjun said giving it to her. Savyasachi drank it and made a face.

"Its bitter." Savyasachi said, Arjun chuckled.

"No more of that now." Savyasachi said.

"Alright fine." Arjun smiled.

"Now I have to go for performing penance, I suggest you to come with me." Arjun said.

Penance ? It suddenly dawned upon Savyasachi, whom Krishna wanted her to bring to Dwarika. It was Subhadra's marriage and Arjun has to be there.

"I almost forgot to tell you something." Savyasachi said.

"What ?" Arjun asked.

"You have to come with me to Dwarika. Its very necessary." Savyasachi said.

"I cannot, my penance is left." Arjun denied.

"Krishna has asked me to bring you to Dwarika." Savyasachi said.

"Madhav ? If he has asked than I shall come. I remember he did ask me to visit Somnath once." Arjun said.

"Great you complete your penance for today then we can leave for somnath." Savyasachi said.

"And you are coming with me." Arjun said.

"Nah, I'll be fine here." Savyasachi said.

"You sure ?" Arjun asked.

"Yes." Savyasachi assured.

"As you wish then." Arjun said and hesitantly left.


Savyasachi was just roaming outside the hut, enjoying the winds and caressing her horse. But two were watching her from behind the bushes.

"Is she the one ?" A man behind the bushes muttered.

"Yes she must be the sister of Anart-raj." The second man said.

"We'll get huge ransom now." The first man said.

Both the men names Ajay and Vijay got out of the bush and lunged towards Savyasachi from the back holding her arms.

"Who are you !?" Savyasachi asked.

"Rajkumari, you are coming with us !" Vijay said.

"We'll get huge ransom out of you." Ajay said.

"You're going to regret this." Savyasachi said.

On the other side, Arjun in midway of performing penance, felt a churn in his stomach. Suddenly Savyasachi's horse came running towards him.

Arjun instantly came to know what had happened. He quickly grabbed his bow and went towards the horse.

"Take me to her." Arjun said getting on the horse.


"You vile men are going to regret this." Savyasachi said calmly.

"How ? Your hands are tied." Ajay said.

"Wait till my lover gets here." Savyasachi said with smirk.

"That sage ? What can he possibly do ? He is no Dronacharya." Vijay said.

"He is better than Dronacharya." Savyasachi said.

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