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Savyasachi was walking down the path of palace which was covered in flowers. The guards saw her and were mesmerized.

"Who are you ?" One of the guard asked.

"I am the princess of Anart. I came here on behalf of my brother, Anart-raj Devesh." Savyasachi said showing the the invitation.

"You may go Rajkumari." The guard said.

"Thanks, Brihanalla !" Savyasachi called.

The guards turned their heads and someone approaching them, was it a woman or man or eunuch ? They couldn't tell who as Brihanalla came and stood beside Savyasachi.

"Who is she ?" One guard asked

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"Who is she ?" One guard asked.

"My maid. She accompanies me everywhere. A little larger than most women so we call her Brihanalla." Savyasachi said chuckling.

It was hard control laughter, when the best archer in the world is dressed up as a woman and looking super uncomfortable

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It was hard control laughter, when the best archer in the world is dressed up as a woman and looking super uncomfortable.

"What is in her hands ?" The other guard asked pointing at the pot, Brihanalla was holding.

"Sacrament of Rishi Durvasa, for the princess of course." Savyasachi said.

"Oh. No problem you both may go in." The guard said letting them go in.

"What kind of a disguise has Madhav given me ?" Arjun muttered.

Really, he was with his crush with such an embarrassing get up and the worst part is she knew it was him and was trying hard to control her laughter.

"I am sure this will be helpful in future and this name too, Brihanalla ! Classic." Savyasachi chuckled. Arjun looked down embarrassed.

"But I must say, you look beautiful in my clothing." Savyasachi said making him blush.

Soon they reached the palace and found a young royal man talking to soldiers regarding Krishna showing up for the wedding.

"Nobody should know where Rukmini's room is, don't reveal it." Rukmi said.

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