part 8

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i wake up at around 10 the next day.

wanna make a video at 3?
sheesh you're sleepy

hey sorry dream i was still sleeping. you should've called me
i can film today though

i just finished filming with sapnap and kacey

so do you like her?

why? are you jealous;)
i'm kidding


i guess i like her lol
wait did she tell you to ask me?
should i ask her out?

go for it!
i think you'd be a good match

they would be a good couple, maybe a power couple. the whole fandom would approve. but what about me? would he forget me? would they make it? kacey doesn't deserve him. neither do i, really but at least it's more than she does.

i'm gonna call her right now and ask her out

lmk what she says!

i sit in my dark room staring at my phone. i want her to say yes for the benefit of him being happy but i also want her to say no so i could have him. dreams an interesting soul. i really like his soul. i want to kiss him. and that's what i'll do. i turn my phone off and start packing. i pack one of dreams oversized black hoodies that he sent me. in the middle of packing i stop and realize how impulsive this is. i haven't bought tickets, i don't know where my passport is and dream and sapnap probably don't want me there. i shake it off and book a ticket off of my pc. i turn it off and finish packing. the flight is at 2:28am and it's only 7:00pm but it's a three hour drive to get there and i want to be ready. i get in my car and turn the radio up. the song playing is six feet under by billie eilish and im not going to lie, it's really good. i finish the song and hook up my phone to the aux. i play roadtrip by dream and vibe along with the song. about an hour into the drive i'm getting tired and my eyes are shutting every so often. i know it's not safe and against the law but i want to get to dream and sapnap. over the speakers in the car i hear "incoming call from dream"

"hello?" i say clicking accept.

"hello?" he mocks a high pitched british accent. i roll my eyes.

"dream." i say with a tiny of question in my voice.

"george." i smile, his voice is deeper than normal and i get butterflies. the smile that was on my face a second ago was gone. i didn't want to like him. he likes kacey. she probably likes him. it's fine.

"what did you call me for?"

"oh yeah, so i was wondering how to word asking kacey out. do i say something like 'i've liked you for awhile, go out with me?' or is that too cliche? i just don't know-" as dream rambles on my car starts to get slower. the car behind me honks and flips me off.

"fuck you." i mutter under my breath.

"are you in the car?"

"uh.. yeah." i try and concentrate on the road. my car starts to speed up again and everything is okay.

"wow george actually going somewhere? i'm impressed." i can practically hear his smirk. i don't really know what to say so i just stay quiet. it seems like there should be awkward silence but it's not. there's no tension and it's just calm. i can hear him breathing on the other side of the phone. it makes me shiver and the butterflies are going crazy.

"where are you going?" he asks.

"to the airport." i blurt out. i've never been good at keeping secrets especially when i'm not thinking about concealing them.

"to see me?" he asks, he's trying to be sarcastic but i can tell that he is serious.

"no i'm actually not." i try and hide.

"SAPNAP! GEORGE IS COMING TO SEE US!!" he yells and i hear the house echo. i smile.

"i'm actually not dream!"

"george i know you and i know your lying voice. you're coming to see us aren't you?" him saying this made my stomach do circles.

"ugh, fine yes i'm coming to see you. surprise."

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