part 10

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being with dream and sapnap is great. knowing that i have people to go to and just talk in person with. when we got to their house i immediately fell asleep on the couch. i know this because it is the next morning and dream is in the kitchen. i always thought he would cook pancakes or some shit like that but no. this boy poured cheerios for himself. i get up and walk over to the kitchen where he's putting the cheerios away.
"cheerio mate!" i say with an attempt at an australian accent. dream snickers and i blush.
"good morning, want some?" he pushes the bowl towards me. i shake my head and look around to see where sapnap is.
"he's still asleep. that dumbass stayed up streaming." dream starts to eat. my eyes widen, what if i had walked in? people would've gone crazy. dream seems to notice my concern and stops eating.
"what are you upset about?"

"just what if i walked in and said something, fans would freak out."

"yeah, but i thought we'd do a meetup stream anyways. are you not okay with anyone knowing you're here?" dream asks. i start to panic inside my head, why don't i want anyone knowing? maybe the fact that i came here because i like dream and don't want him to be with anyone else? oh yeah, that's probably it.

"i don't know, never mind. how's kacey?" i try to change the subject.

"oh yeah! i was actually going to talk to you about that. she rejected me i think? she said she has to talk to you first about it. do you know why?" my hatred for kacey grows even more.

"no, i have no idea why she would have to speak to me. she hasn't reached out yet." i stumble over my words a little bit. i also pull out my phone to check for any messages.

hey george!! so i have some news, dream asked me out. i do really like him and i see me and him working out but i know ur like in love w him so i wanted to see what u thought. ur opinion doesn't rly matter cause i am going to say yes but i also thought u should know.

i'm not in love with him
also weren't you trying to help me?

sorry george, it just came down to this.
i just texted him that i say yes!'
thanks gogy!

i hate her so much. i look up at dream and his eyes are wide. he has a smile on his face. he starts jumping up and down while hooting.

i smile and pretend like i'm happy. sapnap runs out of his room looking scared. dream runs up to him and shows him the text. sapnap smiles but it's not genuine.

"congrats man." as soon as dream turns around sapnap locks eyes with me. in his look i can tell he's wondering if i'm alright. truth is, i haven't felt anything yet other than rage. i don't feel sad or anything. i feel happy for my bestfriend i guess. maybe it's forced?
we go out to dinner that night to celebrate. sapnap ends up eating too much and going to the bathroom. it's just me and dream at a table.

"so george, why'd you come here randomly?" dream said. it's just a normal question and there's no meaning behind it but it freaks me out.

"i just wanted to see you. you guys i mean." i stutter. he looks up from his plate. his green eyes melt me. i try to shake off the fluster but i can't understand a word he's saying.

"i- have to go to the bathroom." i abruptly get up and head to the bathroom. as i'm entering sapnap is leaving, he stops when he sees my face and walks back in with me.

"dude, are you okay?!" he asks. i check to see if anyone's in here and when i see nobody is, i turn my attention to him.

"his eyes."

"the fuck- context george." he says rolling his eyes.

"i don't know if i can stay here for much longer. he's so pretty."

"please stay in florida with us, it's fun with you here. also how are you feeling about this morning? we haven't had the chance to talk."

"i'm fine. whatever makes him happy makes me happy."

"i'm sorry that you have to go through this. i don't understand and probably never will but i'm here for you. and you can trust me. i know i may live with dream but we don't talk about deeper stuff often." i don't know what to respond to sapnap comfort so i gesture to the door. we go back out and sit back with dream. he looks confused.

"that was weird as fuck guys."

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