part 13

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"okay i want to go home." i say. my voice is shaky. sapnap gets up and then sits back down.

"i need to call dream to pick us up." i stay silent, what would i say to him in the car?

"actually, i'll call an uber. life 360 says dream left town." sapnap says calmly.

"he left town??!!"

"yeah, don't worry, he'll be back. i think he might be going to his moms house. it's alright george, he needs a little time though. he doesn't know what to do." sapnap tries to reassure me. it doesn't work though.

the uber comes and we get in the car. im not crying but i feel empty. i don't speak the entire way home and when we get home, i go directly to the guest room that i can call mine at the moment. i lay down and fall asleep. im asleep for hours, everytime i wake up i just try to sleep again.

"just let me go to my room dude! i'm fine!" i wake up to talking.

"fine. if you need anything i'll be on the couch."

"is he here?"

"yeah, he's in the guest bedroom, he's been there for hours."

"make sure he's not dead." i hear a door shut and a sigh. i sit up. sapnap knocks on my door and walks in. he sees i'm awake and just walks out again. he looks drained. i feel like he's always in the middle of fights. he's unproblematic. of course the small joking fights are caused by him but he's never involved in drama. everyone likes sapnap. i wish i were him.

i get my phone and scroll through twitter for awhile. when i finish doing that, i get up and open my door. as i'm opening mine, dreams door, that's just across the hall, is opening too. we lock eyes for just a second and then he closes his. i slowly walk out and hesitantly knock on his door.

"george." he mumbles. he's standing right on the other side of the door.

"can we talk please?" i say. he opens his door and motions for me to come in. i go and sit on the edge of his bed, he goes to his gaming chair. all without making eye contact with me.

"well, go on." he says looking at he ground.

"dre- clay. i don't know what to say really. i'm sorry about the awkwardness." i mumble.

"how long have you felt that way?"

"over a month? i don't know. i just recently realized. i don't expect anything in return, honestly i wasn't thinking when i was showing you the texts."

"we're you ever planning on telling me?" now dream just sounds hurt. betrayed maybe.

"no. i was gonna make it go away, i don't know."

"i think you should go home soon. i don't know what to do, what you want me to do. did you expect me to like you back? did you expect me to fucking kiss you or some shit?" he snaps at me. he's getting really mad but i can tell he's just frustrated. i stare at the ground. i don't know what i expected to happen. didn't i just tell him it was an accident he found out? i didn't want him to even know, how would've i expected something? he shakes his head and gets up. i can hear the door to his room shut and footsteps coming towards my room. quickly i get up and lock my door. i don't want to talk to anyone.

i don't cry, although i feel like i should. could i keep considering dream a bestfriend after this?

HEY BESTIES! literally thank u to that one person who checked up on me<3. ily. anyways i saw someone think that kacey in the story was kaceytron IT IS NOT. i should have clarified. sorry if y'all thought it was my bad. anyways i'm going to go to camp soon so i probably won't see y'all for another few weeks. thanks for the support again and if i don't update in awhile that does not mean the story is over it just means i don't feel like writing. bye. love you you're all prefect and valid.

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