it didn't mean anything

16 2 11

I've got this shake in my legs
Shaking the thoughts from my head
But who put these waves in the door?
I crack and out I pour

Mr.Loverman By: Ricky Montgomery 

i just stand there frozen thinking what to do ? what if they see us what if they come over what if Sadie talks to us or ME!? 

jaeden notices i stopped he turns around and asks 

jaeden:Whats wrong?

lia:um nothing-

Millie:Heyy is that Sadie and Sophia?

Finn:OH yea what a coincidence there here ;)

Jaeden:yea it is 

Millie: lets go talk to them   

they all walk to them but Lia walks more slowly wondering if its gonna be awkward

Finn:hey guys !

Sadie:oH hey Finn we were looking for yall every were!

Sophia:yea you said you were at sweet frogs but then you weren't there so we had to walk in circles and then we went in some few stores and got stuff then w-

Sadie:OK i think they get the idea!

Sophia: Sorry ,Oh hey Lia ive been waiting to meet you for a long time your so much more pretty in person;)

Lia blushed then Sophia went to go hug her what Lia didnt see is Sadie rolling her eyes at the comment that Sophia made like she was jealous ?

Sadie:oh hey Pretty Girl you got sick didnt you!?

Lia was confused how Sadie is acting like nothing happened yet again she probably meant nothing to her 

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