OH so your dumb dumb-

21 1 5

"I'm scared of losing you but then again 

Your not


Lia stood there awkward wanting to leave because she literally just spill her guts and feeling to them "Umm what are your question?"lia tryed to act as clueless as she can be "cut the BS lets go to the basement for the interrogation"Wyatt said while walking to the door. "TF we going to the basement we can just ask her here?" jaeden said "well you know to make it look more cool" both lia and jaeden just stood there looking at wyatt weird "FINE im just trying to make this more fun yall are a bunch of ass holes do yall even watch movies or sum!" wyatt then sat on the bed with jaeden and lia "anyways lia what happend that night you were with sadie yk the first day" jaeden asked "well um we went on a skate trail looked at a water fall listen to music then it started raining then um we got um yk soaked and um we um went to house I mean um I went to my house then um fell asleep with my cloth" Lia  said   

"Well that was one shitty acting"Wyatt said Raising a eyebrow while looking at Lia "HEY" Lia said offended "sorry but i have to agree with Wyatt we all know that's not what happened"jaeden said "fine so we were lookingateachotherandalmostkissed"Lia said so fast so they wouldn't catch what she said "wOw that was a lot to take in"Wyatt said looking at jaeden "well you do know Sadie is have a pool party for her birthday you can surprise her and tell her your feeling?"jaeden said "NO she doesn't like me she's STRAIGHT and she said she didn't feel anything for me!" Wyatt and jaeden looked at each other and started laughing "What's so funny i wanna laugh TOOoo"Lia said confused on why there laughing it took a minute for them two to calm down "well lets just say she told us something and you just go to that party and tell her how you feel :) jaeden said "well ok then? But um i gtg i think i have to do a scene today bye that you for listening!ig?" Lia said then got up got her stuff and left "well I'll say that went well!"Wyatt said happily "yea almost getting killed was fun:)" jaeden said they looked at each other and stared laughing then they played video games for a while

(Lia POV)

I got to my house and only had 2 hours to get my self together and get ready to face Sadie on set because today the duffer brothers will tell us something important which i think they well tell us who my love interest is anyways i take a quick shower and think about what Wyatt said about Sadie what did she tell him!? It's none of my business anyways i went and changed into this

I got to my house and only had 2 hours to get my self together and get ready to face Sadie on set because today the duffer brothers will tell us something important which i think they well tell us who my love interest is anyways i take a quick sho...

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