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You look so good in your Thunderbird
I feel so small
Pretend that I'm your girlfriend
Through the haze of alcohol
Harsh words leave your lips

Object by: Lia Pappas-Kemps

 Sadies (POV)-

i wake up today still thinking about last night! the way she hugged me gave me butterfly WAiT why am i thinking about her the way i thought about her when we were dancing in the rain- do i like girl?well ive always had things for girls especially Pretty Girls:) well i am going to tell lia today after set!

then sadie changes into this-

she then did her hair brushed her teeth and got everything ready to go then she looked for her phone when she found her phone it was so hot and it was blowing up with  notification she then looked to see what post  every one was tagging her in whe...

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she then did her hair brushed her teeth and got everything ready to go then she looked for her phone when she found her phone it was so hot and it was blowing up with  notification she then looked to see what post  every one was tagging her in when she was done reading she was shocked but she had a idea of who it was so she got into her black challenger and drove off  But not to set but to Someone's house

(Third person POV)

"BRO WHY DID YOU DO THAT!"jaeden Was so mad at him why would he link it! "SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO PLUSE YOU TOLD ME TO" Wyatt was guilty and mad at him in the same time he didn't mean to link them but jaeden was getting to mad although it was his idea to take pictures of them "WELL YEA BUT NOT TO SEND THEM TO THE WHOLE INTERNET!"jaeden said now trying to find a way to take them of the internet "WELL CALM DOWN and plus it's already on the internet for almost 24 hour every one has it"Wyatt walked closer to jaeden trying to calm him down but Wyatt was still guilty because he knows they both saw him "ok ok well did anyone see you?" "Umm No-"  "Good because if they did we would be in dip sh-"  jaeden was then cut off by Sadie busting the door open "WYATT YOU MF WHY DID YOU LINK THOSES PHOTOS"

Both jaeden and Wyatt were scared and froze until jaeden said "were in dipshit!" Then Sadie stared chasing them around there house Wyatt fell and Sadie grab his leg "YOU WOULD BE THE FIRST TO DIE IN A HORROR MOVIE NODDLE BOY!" While Sadie was dragging Wyatt jaeden got behide of Sadie and tickled her she then let go of his leg while Wyatt got up jaeden got in front of him to protect him "LET ME GET HIM" Sadie said while trying to get passed jaeden "NO WE WILL ALL SIT DOWN AND TALK THEN WELL SEE IF YOU CAN HAVE HIM" "FINE BUT YOU BETTER WATCH IT OLEFF"Sadie said

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