Love her.

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"Silly me,                                                                                                                                                                                   Expecting to much                                                                                                                                                                        From people again."               

Lia woke up with Sadie gone lia thought that she was making breakfast so lia got up and went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and and changed 

Her outfit-

Her outfit-

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Then she got her phone and her head phone she then walked to the beach that was only 3 minutes away while listening to some music when she got there she thought the beach was gonna be packed but no there was only a couple there so she took off her shoes and walked on the sand by the water she felt so refreshed and calm with no care in the world carefree she continued walking until she heard some one was calling her she checked her phone and saw it was sadie so she picked up

"Hello? Lia are you there" sadie asked worried "yea I'm here!" Lia said "THANK GOD i got scared for a minute! Why did you leave with out saying anything i got worried!" Sadie said "UM well first of all you were the one who left me first with out saying anything soooo" lia said as she was walking back to get her shoes "well- yea your right and I'm sorry i was just gonna get some milk and some snacks that's all and by the way were are you?" Sadie asked "oh i was taking a walk at the beach but I'm walking back know I'm just 3 minutes away" lia said as she put on her shoes and started walking "WHATTTTT you went to the beach first with out me!" Sadie said upset because she wanted to go together "I'm sorry I didn't know ill make it up to you!" Lia said "how?" Asked sadie "i will take you out today!" Lia said "ok so like a date!" Sadie said "yup like a date:)" then she hanged up 

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