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"Trust me, i wont leave if you staying 

         I'm staying"

Lia woke up with butterfly's still in her stomach just thinking about Sadie but then she felt the bed was empty She turned around and saw that she was gone!

Lia got out of bed and put a hoodie on then she ran down stairs wondering is Sadie really left when she got down she smelled something really good then she when into her kitchen and saw a red head cooking pancakes on the stove "Good morning sleepy head!"sadie said as she turned around and saw lia with her mouth drooling "wow already drooling over me pretty girl;)" sadie said as she gave lia a wink

Lia cheeks turned so bright red "o-o-oh n-n-no i-I was j-jus-" But then she was cut of by sadie "I'm just messing with you i would be drooling over theses pancakes too" Sadie said as she flipped a pancakes lia then sat down and said "thank you for the food" then sadie said "no problem here have two!" Sadie said as she got a plate and put two pancakes and sat then in front of her "oh um no thank you I'm good" lia said as she pushed back the plate a little "oh come on lia i made theses just for you look i will just give you one then ok" then sadie took one pancake off and gave lia a warm smile "well with a face like here's i cant say no" lia thought she said it in  her head but she actually said it out loud "well thank you i dont call you pretty girl for no reason" sadie said as she sat in front of lia and ate "o-oh um t-thank you!" Lia said "yw and I am having a party this Saturday it's a pool party wanna come?"sadie said lia thought about it for a minute she didn't know if she was gonna tell her how she felt but then she felt brave and confident so she said yes then Lia and Sadie both cleaned there mess and then sadie said "hey we have a free day today wanna just watch a movie?" She said as she looked at Lia "um sure but what movie?"lia said But then Lia thought of a movie  "lets watch my sad but favorite movie!" She said as  she grabbed sadies hand and dragged her into her movie room "what movie is it then?" Sadie said as she saw Lia leave then come back in with a huge blanket with snacks "The Book Of Henry!"lia said "doesn't jaeden martell play in it and Maddie Ziegler?"sadie asked "YEssss and jaeden looks like a little cute babyyyyy"lia said but Sadie got a bit jealous "fine let's watch it then" then Lia put it on half way through the movie Lia stared crying sadie was really worried "what's wrong?!"sadie asked "its about to come up!!" Lia said as she hugged Sadie "what's about to come up?" Sadie asked confused then the scene were Henry was at the hospital and he was crawling out of the bed "I wanna look at the sky!" Lia said just like Henry was saying then Lia was more into tears "aw come on he's still alive just call jaeden for you to feel better" sadie said as she took out her phone to call jaeden 

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