strawberry cherry

17 2 9

"am i that girl you dream of?"

Lia was pacing back and forth around her living room wondering what to do so then she went up stairs and checked her parents room she saw that there cloth was gone and so was there suit cases "did they really leave me ?!" lia thought she then decided to call her mom to see if she would pick up after a few minutes her mom actually pick up

mom:UGh what do you want!

lia:what do you mean what do I want! i haven't seen yall in almost a whole week there was no text no note no letter you just packed up and left were the hell are yall!!

mom: oh stop being such a bitch we are at a business trip for a month but then me and your father are having a vacation a long one so we might not be back in about 9 months i think



and with that she hanged up lia was so mad but yet then again why does she care its not like her parents care but again she felt so sad what did she do to get theses horrible parents that treat her like shit so lia ran up stairs and took a bath she then stared to cry why why her! all she wants is a family a family that loves her a family that cares for her. then her moms word replayed in her head when she told them she thinks she likes girls when she was 6 "its no big surprise you turned out this way i knew there was something wrong with her!" lia cried and cried until it felt like her eyes were gonna pop out so she grabbed a knife and let the pain take her away or what ever she felt anymore 

one thing the world doesn't know about her is she that her parents put her in conversion therapy when she was younger but all of that history was deleted but when she got older she knew who she was and learned to except it but the trauma never fully went away  

after she changed and fell asleep "the world was gonna know what happen to her soon " she thought 

lia woke up and brushed her teeth did her hair and changed into this 

lia woke up and brushed her teeth did her hair and changed into this 

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