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"people come and go thats life"

lia woke up and felt warm arms around her waist she smiled and turned to see sadie still sleeping so she slowly got out of bed trying not to wake sadie up and walked into the bathroom she looked in the mirror and she was disgusted "eww im so ugly" "why would a beautiful girl like sadie even like me?" lia thought so she just washed her face and brushed her teeth then she went back out to get her towel  and her clothes to take a shower then she turned and looked at her bed and saw sadie still sleeping so she went back into her bathroom and showered when she got out she changed into her clothes

her clothes-

her clothes-

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lia then got out and saw that sadie was out of bed she was surprised because sadie usually sleeps in and lia always get on her for that so she went down stairs and saw sadie already making breakfast and the table was set "whyy hello pretty girl " sadie said as she flipped the last pancake "good morning sads " lia said as she sat down the truth is she has stared eating since sadie started cooking and she hasn't thrown it up she was proud of herself for that even though sadie might not know sadie has actually helped her ALOT"eat up princess because we have a long day ahead of us " sadie said as she put a pancake on her plate and lia plate and sat down "why? what is today" lia asked "oh stop joking around pretty girl you know what day it is! " sadie said as she stuffed her mouth with a pancake 

"um first of all SLOW down and seconded of all im not joking around what is so special today?" lia said as she raised a eyebrow at her "wow you are totally clueless are you!? " sadie said as she put the pancake down and chewed slower "um yes i am soooo are you gonna tell me?" lia said "IT YOUR BIRTHDAY HOW CAN YOU FORGET YOU OWN BIRTHDAY!" sadie said shocked that lia didnt remember her own birthday 

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