Land Of Waves Part 1

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A/N: I'm sorry I didn't publish a new chapter yesterday a lot went on and I was not sure if I was gonna write today there's just a lot going on in my life at the moment. So I am sorry anyways onto the story!

(A week after the bell test)

Hana's Pov

"Come on Hana come at me harder!" Hiroyuki yelled at me.

"Give me a second geez not everyone can do as many flips has you and you have been doing this since you were little!" I yelled back.

"Ok that is somewhat true." Hiroyuki said rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ok ok its not as hard as your making it. You just gotta do a cart wheel and as your going down so a spilt close your legs and jump back up into your fighting stance." Hiroyuki says while doing it.

"Hiro the is pointless! I'm never gonna get it!" I said falling backwards onto the ground in a star position.

"I mean she's not wrong Hiro you have been doing this longer than both of us I mean you have on weights for crying out loud! Not to mention your taijust is as good as Guy sensei and Lee combined! Maybe even better!" Asami says while playing with Taiga on the sidelines by a tree.

"Yeah Yeah whatever. I wonder what team 7 is doing.." Hiroyuki said sitting down next to me.

I sit up and look over at here. "Idk. but I do wonder what Sasuke is doing." with hearts in my eyes.

"Hana your just as bad as Sakura and that's not a good thing." Hiroyuki says. "Whatever." I say rolling my eyes. "Hey Guys- Woah what happen to you Hana you look beat." Koyko sensei says walking over with Kakashi sensei and the rest of team 7 and... A cat?

"Hiroyuki happened!" I said looking at her.

"Hey! You were the one who wanted ME to help you with you flips!" Hiroyuki says back.

I rolled my eyes once again before standing up. "So what's with the cat?" I asked pointing the cat that was meowing scratching Naruto. "

We had to save it for some dumb D ranked mission." Naruto said. "And the Hokage want's both are teams at his office right away." Kakashi sensei says with closed eye smile.

"HIROYUKI WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I yelled at the black haired girl who was still on the ground. "ME!? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I DID SOMETHING!?" She yelled back.

"Well I mean your always getting sent to the Hokage's office so..." Asami says trailing off looking down at the ground.

Hiroyuki glanced at Me and Asami. "Taiga come." She says and Taiga runs up leaving a sad Asami.

"I don't care what the Hokage wants I'm out of here!" Hiroyuki says shoving her hands in her pocket walking away pissed with Taiga walking next to her.

Hiroyuki's Pov

I walked away pissed until Koyko sensei put her hand on my head.

"He wants us all there you can be mad at your team later." She says.

I rolled my eyes and started walking to the Hokage's office a head of everyone because I was pissed at my team mumbling things under my breath.

When we got there the hokage was trying to send us on more lame D ranked missions. "No way! I'm tired of all these lame D ranked mission these are nothing but chores!" Naruto yelled making a X with his hands.

"I have to agree with Naruto these are nothing but chores and I'm bored of these lame missions." I say walking over to Naruto throwing my arm over his neck stand on this right side.

Iruka sensei started scolding us with the Hokage and I zoned them out while Naruto was talking about ramen everyone was in there own little world.

"SILENCE!" The hokage yelled bringing everyone back down to earth.

He let out a deep sigh be for saying "Fine then if its a harder mission then that it was you shall get. Im a signing team 5 and 7 to on C ranked mission. You will be guarding your client." The hokage said with a smirk.

"huh? Who is it?! Who is it?!" Naruto started to ask. "Naruto be patient!" Kakashi sensei says. "Send them in." the hokage says.

A few minutes Later I started to smell Alcohol and I could tell Taiga could too.

The door open to see a man with a bottle in his hand. "What!? I bunch of snot nosed kids?!" He said

"and you the short one with the idiotic look on your face do you really think you can become a ninja?" He said laughing.

"who's the over with the idiotic look on there face?" Naruto asked.

We all lined up Sasuke being the tallest then Hana then Me then Sakura then Naruto then Asami.

I tried my hardest not to laugh when her face dropped in pure sadness. Sasuke slapped the back of my head because he saw me trying not to laugh.

"Meet at the gates in 20 minutes." Kakashi sensei says and we all head home.

I raced Taiga to are house in the Uchiha compound. "I win." I said and walk in are house and run upstairs and started packing some clothes, weapons, etc.

I finshed packing and saw Sakura and Naruto heading to the gates as I was walking with Taiga when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"AHHHH!" I yelled as a punched whoever touched me without looking.

"Ouch geez." I heard a voice say I look to see Sasuke with a bleeding nose.

'I guess I hit him in the face..' I said to myself.

"sorry but you should know not to sneak up on a girl." I said reaching my hand out for him to take and he did.

I helped him and we walked off. "Great everyone is here!" Kakashi sensei says with a closed eye smile.

We started waking off. Sakura was asking the old man who I found out name was 'Tazuna' questions.

I was walking behind everyone with Taiga by my side I didn't her go with Asami because I was still mad at her and Hana.

Hana was flirting with Sasuke and I could tell he didn't care and he started to slow down till he was walking next to me.

I looked over at him to see him blushing a bit and I was confused at why.

That was until he started talking. "Uhm Hey Hiroyuki.." He started and his blush only got darker. I looked up and I could see Sakura glaring at me.

"Yeah?" I asked with a questioning gaze.

"Well you see I have something for you.. I know you said it was fine but I got you this ribbon since I accidentally cut your other one when we were training." He said.

My eyes widen in shock and I turn to him. It was a beautiful silk ribbon and it had clouds on it and the ribbon was a light moonlight color.

"Sasuke its.. Beautiful!" I said taking out his hands and take my hair tie off my arm and putting my hair in a high ponytail and tying the ribbon in my hair with a blush on my face.

"Thank you." I say look at him to see him also blushing.

We started walking Sasuke still next to me and Sakura glaring coldly at me in angry and sadness.

I saw a puddle and looked at it confused. 'A puddle? It hasn't rained in weeks..' I thought to myself but was brought out my thoughts when chains wrapped around Kakashi and Koyko sensei...and ripped them apart.

A/N: CLIFFHANGER!! Yeah I'm evil hehe. What do you think is gonna happen? Also I see you Sasuke being "Mr. Romantic" did yall like it? hope so! Also sorry this chapter was short but I wanted to make it at least 2-3 parts so yeah- Anyways see yall next chapter!

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