Chuunin Exams Part 2

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Hiroyuki's Pov

I fell into darkness..Is this the end? I guess I'm still weak..I was cut off by a soft and smooth familiar voice, "Hello Hiroyuki." The voice said. I sat up and saw my mother. She was in a white kimono with red and pink flowers on it. "Okaasan?" I asked and stood up. I saw her warm soft smile. I got up and ran towards her and hugged her. She hugged me back without hesitant. "Look at how you have grown." Okaasan says holding my face with her soft hands. "I miss you and Otosan and Nii-san so much." I said holding Okaasan's hands. "I miss you too..Hiroyuki do you remember the song I used to sing you before bed when you always had so many questions?" Okaasan asked. I thought for a moment. "Yeah I do why?" I asked looking at Okaasan confused. "Never forget that song ok? Promise me you will never forget that song and sing it to your children someday ok? It has a lot of value." Okaasan said moving a strand of hair from my face. "I promise!" I said smiling. "I love you so much Hiroyuki." Okaasan said and hugged me. "I love you too Okaasan.." I said hugging her back. "I will see you soon ok?" Okaasan said...And that was the last thing I remember..

~Back to Reality~ (still Hiroyuki's Pov)
I slowly opened my eyes and feel powerful. The pain I felt was gone and I sat up. I looked up and Sasuke was looking down at me with a smirk. I knew he was feeling the same power as me. He reached out his hand and I took it. I heard screaming outside the cave and I stepped and the next thing I knew I was in front of Hana. I kicked the sound ninja in the gut who was about to attack Hana. "H-Hiroyuki?!" Hana spoke up looking at me in shock. "Did this son of a bitch mess with you?" I asked death staring the ninja. "Yeah but-" before she could finish I started walking towards the ninja who looked like a mummy. I blocked out the screams and calls for me and walked towards mummy man.

Sasuke's Pov

I broke one of the sound ninja's arms and was about to kill him before Sakura stopped me. I snapped out of my blood lust state. I looked at my surroundings and saw Hana was trying to calm down Hiroyuki. Knowing her she probably didn't need this power to kill the ninja who looked like a mummy. "Hiroyuki calm down!" I yelled seeing if she would listen to me but of course she kept moving forward. So I did the next best thing. I grabbed her by her waist and kissed her. She kissed me back and when I opened my eyes the markings on her went down. When we pulled away Hiroyuki fainted in my arms. I felt her forehead and she was burning up. "This isn't over!" The one sound ninja said who's arms I broke and all over the sound ninja jumped away. "Is she gonna be ok?" Asami asked carrying a hurt Taiga. "I'm not sure." I picked Hiroyuki up bridal style and we thanked the rest of the teams for helping us. Jumped for a few hours before stopping and making a fire. I grabbed a wet rag and put it on Hiroyuki's forehead to try and cool her down. "Hiroyuki still have a fever and it doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon." I said stand up and throwing more wood in the fire. "Sasuke you should eat you need your strength." Sakura said. "I'm fine don't worry about me." I said. "I'm going to get more water." I said walking over before anyone could protest. When I came back I saw Hiroyuki was tied up and awake and Kabuto was there holding are scroll. I jumped up and snatched it from him. "What do you think your doing?!" I asked. "Stopping your teammates from opening this scroll people who open it before the exams are over get knocked out until the 5th day." Kabuto said pushing up his glasses. "Plus I already have both mine." He said. "I will fight you for it." I said taking out a kunai. "Sorry but no. I can help you." Before I could respond I heard I annoyed muffle. I turn around to see a pissed Hiroyuki tied up and gagged. I sighed before walking over and taking the gag out and untying her. "Thank you." She said.

Hiroyuki's Pov

After Sasuke untied me I tried to stand up but my body said no so I went right back down. "Ok then I guess that's a no." I said. "Here dobe." Sasuke said helping me up. "Look I understand we should stick together but my team still needs to her a heaven scroll. I think we should split up plus my team can probably find one faster than you guys. No offense-" I said making team 7 sweat drop. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Sakura asked. "Well seeing that Team 5 has better team work then team 7 and we have been working together for years to we all know are strong suits and weaknesses." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Yeah she has a point we should go." Hana said standing up. "WAIT WHERE TAIGA?!" I asked pushing my off Sasuke. "She's over here she's ok for the most part and is eating and breathing but still have a few wounds but she should be ok." Asami relayed. I let out a sigh of relief. "Ok then it's settled we will split up and meet back up after the exams." I said getting up and walking over to my team. "Right." Everyone said synced. Me, Hana, Asami, and Taiga all jumped off the tree and started jumping to tree to tree. "Hey Hiro how you feel?" Hana asked from behind me. "I still feel hot but I will fine don't worry about me just keep your Guard up I can sense a team of ninja coming up and they don't feel that powerful." I said and we sped up. We jumped down a see a team with a boy on the ground and his leg was bleeding there was also a girl and she was knocked out. "Wait there's only 2 where's the third one?" Asami asked in a hushed tone. "Move!" I yell and we jump back as the last teammate comes down trying to hit us with a long stick. "STAY BACK I HAVE A STICK AND IM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!" The boy said. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. I walked up to him and he tense up. "BACK UP IM WARNING YOU!" The boy said and I kept walking. He Swung at me and I simply kick it out his hand like it was nothing. The boy was left in shock and fell to the around. "P-Please don't hurt us anymore we just wanna go home and we're scared!" The boy yelled. "We have no intention on killing you but only if you give us your scroll." I said calmly. "Ok! Ok! H-here! Just take it!" The boy said rolling a heaven scroll at me. I picked it up and smirked. "Thanks." I said and we jumped away headed towards the tower. We make to the Tower and just as we walk out we see team 7. "I take it you guys made it with both scrolls?" I asked walking up to team 7 "yup believe it!" Naruto said giving a thumbs up and wide smile. I smirk and we walk into a room. Team 7 went in the other room. We threw the scrolls out and out came.."Koyko sensei?" I asked raise a brow. "Looks like you guys made it just in time! I had no doubt that you guys would make it." Koyko sensei said with a smile. She gave us the information we needed to know and explain everything but I didn't care so I zoned out. After that we walked out the room and walked into a bigger room and there were only a few candidate left. "I guess Anko wasn't joking when she said half would be gone.." Asami said. "Really what makes you say that?" I asked rolling my eyes. We walked up and there was gonna be a preliminary round since there were to many candidates still. "Sasuke you shouldn't do this that curse mark is dangerous and we don't know anything about it." Sakura said to Sasuke. "No I'm fine worry about yourself and your fight." Sasuke said. "If you won't say anything then I will." Sakura said raising her hand only to get slapped back down by Sasuke. "Don't say I word and don't say anything to Naruto the last the thing I need is for him to be worried and I have worked to hard to drop out now." Sasuke said before walking up and standing next to me on the balcony. "I'm tired." I say resting my head on the balcony. "Yeah well wake up you still have a around you do." Sasuke said. "Uhm Sir I'm not Sakura and I will beat your ass." I said standing up crossing my arms. "Sorry just a bit pissed and ready to move on so I can train for the Final exams." Sasuke said with a apologetic look on is his face. "It's fine I feel the same way.." I said turning to the rink.

A/N: sorry this is short I'm trying to get better at writing longer story's and sorry these keep taking a long time I have been brainstorming about it and I just made some more OCs for a certain Chapter/ few Chapters so yeah I'm working on it guys and this book will be coming to a end soon but don't worry I'm gonna make a sequel 😌👌🏾. Also sorry for all the spelling mistakes when I write these it's like 1 am and my ass cant sleep so yeah sorry for all spelling errors and feel free to correct me. ANYWAYS BYE! ❤️✨

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