Sora Sato vs Hiroyuki Uchiha

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Hiroyuki's Pov
"First around.." the bored started flipping through names. "Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Minion" the protector said. "Good luck." I said to him and he smirked back at me. "Sasuke before you go try not to use anything that will activate your cure mark and after your match I will seal it. Same goes for you Hiroyuki." Kakashi sensei said. We both nodded understanding. "Ready...Start!" And Sasuke's match started. I didn't pay much attention because I knew Sasuke would be able to win even without using any jutsu. I was deep in thought thinking about the cures mark and was Orchimarua said back in the forest. "Sasuke Uchiha wins." The protector said snapping me out of my trans. "I never had a doubt." I said crossing my arms. The bored started flipping through names. "Sora Sato vs Hiroyuki Uchiha." I froze when I heard my opponent name. I jumped into the rink and there he was. My best friend from when I was traveling with Pervy sage and lady Tsunade. "Sora?" I asked "the one and only." He said and smirked. "Don't think just because we're friends I will go easy on you." He said with a smirk. "Hmph I wouldn't dream of it!" I said getting into a battle stances. "Ready...And...Start!" Sora made this first move by lunging at me. I dodged him without effort. "Tch. Is that all you got Sora-Sora?" I teased knowing he hated that nickname. "Shut up!" He said are threw some kunai at me. I dodged them. I ran towards him and pulled started having a Taijutsu match with him. Sora has always been pretty bad at Taijutsu which means I have the upper hand. I pulled out a kunai and aimed for his face. He blocked me with his own kunai and started going down as I pushed my weight on him forcing him down. "I-I will not lose to you Uchiha!" He yelled pushing me off. I did a few back flips before landing on my feet and getting back into a fight stances. "Fire style: fire ball jutsu!" Sora yelled and a fire ball made its way towards me. I smirked and took off my weights but not all of them I still had 400 pounds on me. I only took off 100 because I didn't wanna shoe everything I was good at now plus that would give away what I'm good at. I ran on the walls around the fire ball making my way behind Sora. He left his left side wide open so I took that opportunity to kick him. I sent him flying into the wall but there was a log. I kept my Guard up and sensed him behind me. I around house kicked him out her grabbing my ankle so I started spinning in mid arm and kicked him Square in his face. I did a flip backwards and send Sora flying backwards. He's nose was bleed and his cheek was Swollen. "I'm not finished!" He yelled and came at me with everything he had. He cut me Ina few different spots and kicked me on my blind spot sending me into the wall. My body was in pain but I was not gonna give up. I got up and took some senbon out of my hair and he took some senbon needles out of his pocket. We both started throwing them. I had cuts and needles all over my body. I was bleed more then Sora. "I won't give up without a fight!" I said standing back and I could feel my curse mark to activate but I kept it down. I took all the needles I had and closed my eyes. I blocked out the noise and waited until I felt his chakra. "Behind me." I said I quickly turned throwing all my senbon needles and hitting his pressure points making Sora fall. "W-What how?!" I opened my eyes and smirked. "You underestimated me after I left I have been doing nothing but training and getting stronger." I said. "Hiroyuki Uchiha wins!" The protector said and my friends started cheering for me. "Come on Hiroyuki and Sasuke let's go seal your cursed marks." Kakashi sensei said and we walked out the room. "I knew you could do it." Sasuke said smirking at me. We walking into a room. "Who wants to go first?" Kakashi sensei asked. "I guess I will I wanna go him and sleep already." I said deadpanned. "Ok come sit in the middle and I need you to take your shirt off." Kakashi sensei said. "Right right sit in the middle and-" I paused for a moment realizing what he just said. "WAIT TAKE MY SHIRT OFF?! BUT SASUKE IS HERE!" I yelled with a blush across my face. "Yes I know that but I need you to take it off so I can get it better." Kakashi sensei said. I sighed in defeat and sat in the middle.

Sasuke's Pov

Hiroyuki sat in the middle and took her shirt off. She was wear a black bra and I couldn't help but stare at her breast. They were so big and she was so young. I felt my face he up. "Uchiha I can feel you staring." Hiroyuki said also blushing. I felt my blush darken. "I-I-Uhm-" I became a stuttering mess before turning around trying to hid my face. Kakashi sensei did some hand signs and Hiroyuki let out a scream before fainting. Kakashi sensei picked up her and poofed away with Hiroyuki before coming back ready to do me. "Same for you Sasuke." Kakashi sensei says. I took off my shirt and sat down. I left Kakashi sensei cold hands meet my bear skin and felt pain. I left out a scream also before fall into the darkness.

A/N: ok so I wanted to write this and post it now bc I wasn't tried if writing yet so next chapter I'm skipping them Final exam so next chapter will be the day after the Final exams and sorry this is short. that's it bye! ✨❤️

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