Future last part 

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A/N: ok so this book is coming to a end soon this is NOT the last chapter of this book but we're getting there but don't worry there will be a squeal and sorry this is taking so long for me to write I just have not had to motivation. Also I'm still trying to learn to space out my writing and I'm not sure if I like to make it with " if someone is talking or having a conversation I think I'm just going to do "Hiroyuki? Yes Sasuke?" Like that again trying to find out what I like anyways onto the story~

Hiroyuki's Pov ~Time skip to the last day of the mission morning~

I had been awake already before Koyko sensei came into my room to check if I was sleep but I was up all night. I couldn't stop getting Orochimaru's words of my head: "Both Uchiha will come to me in search of power and information." I was so confused does he know why Nii-San killed himself. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice Sasuke at my room. "Hiro are you ok?" He asked walking over to me pushing my hair out my face. "You look sleepy." He said. "Gee thanks." I said slapping his hand. I sat up and got off my bed and took my hoodie off but I was wearing a bra and shorts under it. I felt Sasuke's eyes on me and I glanced back at him to see him looking at my cures mark. Most of the time I would cover it up with makeup when he had to leave to go to the cafe. I sighed before turning to him. "Sorry I slapped you it's just I been thinking." I said crossing my arms under my chest. "No it's fine I have been think to." He said laying on my bed getting comfortable. "Sasuke. Yeah? If we leave the village we can't come back." I said turning to him. "Yeah I know but what has this village done for us? For are clan? We both have the same destiny and desire revenge for the people we love." He said. "Ok sorry to break this moment but that sounded really weird coming from you but your right though. This village has always disliked are clan in some way and leaving Hana and Asami would take a hard hit on them but..They have each other and it won't matter if we leave. Right?" I asked looking up at him. "I'm not going to make that choice for you but I want more time to think. Let's keep this between us." He said kissing my cheek and walking out leaving me in my thoughts.

~time skip to that night back in the hotel~ (still Hiroyuki's Pov)
Kakashi sensei and Koyko sensei just left to get dinner while the rest of us took shower or packed the rest of are clothes. I was wear black sweat pants with a sports bra on and I tied my hair back and wore are the hair tie Sasuke gave me as a headband. I also had on a few wristbands and a matching charm bracelet Hana got for Me, Herself, and Asami to symbol are friendship and I felt guilty since I was thinking about leaving them behind but I knew I couldn't drag them into my mess. I was walking down the all and went downstairs. Naruto was playing cards with Akito over a pack of Instant ramen Naruto had. Hana was helping Asami pack since she slow af and Akio was chilling on the couch with Taiga. Sakura was doing Thor knows what and Sasuke was watching Naruto and Akito's game. He glanced up at me and are eyes locked. I looked down at my charm bracelet before looking back up at him and slowly nodding. He nodded back before going back to watching the game. I felt guilty I was uneasy.

Asami's Pov

"And done. You owe me strawberries when we get home." Hana said helping me zipping up my back. "Yeah Yeah I know." I said with a chuckle. "Hey has Hiro seemed off to you? Yeah I little bit. She's been acting weird." I said. "Then again this is Hiroyuki Uchiha we're talking about." I said making both of us laugh. "Yeah and even if something is wrong she wouldn't tell us even if we asked." Hana said plopping down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. "You think it has something to do with her and Sasuke's relationship?" I asked turning to Hana. "Nah Hiroyuki wouldn't let something like that get to her plus her and Sasuke are fine they were cuddling on the couch last night." Hana said sitting up using her elbow for support. "Yeah I guess you right but it still bugs me." I said. "FOODS IS HERE!" We heard Hiro yell from downstairs. "FOOD!" I yelled living Hana on my bed as a ran downstairs like I was about to die since I hadn't eaten all day. I sat down and I looked over and saw Hiroyuki next to Sasuke but she was not facing forward she was diagonal her arm on the table and she was looking down to the ground towards Sasuke with a sad expression yet she also looked lost in thought. "Hiro you ok?" I asked but she didn't hear me. "Hiro?" Hana asked but she didn't snap out of it. At this point everyone was looking at Hiro but she didn't move. "Hiroyuki?" Naruto called out about to eat more of his ramen. "Hey Hiroyuki snap out of it!" Sasuke said nudging her. "Can she hear us?" I asked looking at Koyko sensei but she shrugged and walked over to Hiroyuki. "Hey Hiroyuki are you ok? Can you hear me?" Koyko sensei asked and touched her cheek with her finger lightly. "He cheeks and freezing." Koyko sensei said wide eye. "Uhm guys her hand!" Sakura said pointing to her hand on the table and blood was dripping from it. "HIROYUKI!!" Hana yelled and she blinked. "What?" She asked turning to her she looked mad. "What's wrong you with you?" I asked and she glanced at me. "Nothing." Hiroyuki said getting up. I saw her other hand was also bleeding. She walked away but was swaying side to side like a drunk person. "Hey Hiroyuki you should sit down you do look so good." Kakashi sensei said and right at the moment Hiroyuki dropped to the ground. "Hiroyuki!" We all yelled synced well Naruto muffled it since his mouth was full of ramen. Me, Sasuke, Hana, Kakashi sensei, and the twins ran over to her. Kakashi sensei flipped her over and she was pale. Kakashi sensei touched her face. "Koyko did you say she was cold?" Kakashi sensei asked looking over at Koyko sensei. "Yeah cold as ice. Why?" She asked. "She's burning up and she's pale we need to get her to the hospital right now." Kakashi sensei said picking up Hiroyuki bridal style. "You guys stay here while Kakashi goes to the hospital." Koyko sensei said holding us back. "No way! I'm not gonna just sit here when my girlfriend is going to the hospital!" Sasuke yelled trying even harder to get by Koyko sensei but she wouldn't move! "YEAH SHE COULD NEED US SO MOVE!" Akio yelled startling us. We have never heard her this mad before even Akito seemed shocked. "I can't let you guys go not until I we know what's wrong. I wanna go to but we can't." Koyko sensei said. We sat back down and I was hugging Hana praying that Hiroyuki was ok.

A/N: cliffhanger sorry this chapter was short but I did wanna write a new chapter so yeah. What do you think is gonna happen to Hiroyuki?

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