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A/N: this will be the last chapter of this book but there will be a squeal so be expecting it soon! Onto the story!

Hiroyuki's Pov before she fainted

As I was still feeling guilty about my answer and I was just thinking. I looked up and saw red eyes that weren't familiar. It wasn't the Sharingan so what could it be. I couldn't look away I felt nothing I heard nothing all I could see where those red eye. My body was completely frozen. My head turned and I looked Asami's way and then I started speaking up I wasn't trying to. "What?" My voice asked angrily. If I knew who or what this was I would have beat them to a bloody pope for talking to my apprentice like that.

My body started moving again and it got up and started walking. I then felt everything come back I could see and hear everything clearly. Then I everything went black.

~Back to the present~ Hiroyuki's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes but shut them right away from the bright light. I slowly reopen them and looked to my left to see a passed out Asami and Taiga a half awake half sleep Hana and and a slouched over sleeping Sasuke next to my bed. I looked and saw a passed out Naruto on the floor too. "Sasuke?" I called out but my voice was Horse. He's head shot up "hey are you ok should I call the doctor?" He started to panic.

"No No I'm fine." I started to hit up but Sasuke just made me lay back down. "Uchiha I'm fine." I deadpanned. "No your not you fainted." He crossed his arms. "What happened what did you do to cause you to faint?" The duck butt asked. "Yes Hiro what did cause you to faint? Huh?! Huh?! Tell me!" Naruto yelled all excited. I looked around and saw everyone was awake and Kakashi and Koyko sensei had joined us in the room. "Eh? Oh I was thinking and looked out the window and saw red eyes." I said looking down at my hand that was banged. "Like the Sharingan?" Sasuke asked. "No it wasn't the Sharingan it was just read eyes and I couldn't move my body was frozen and I could speak or Control my body." I looked up to see Kakashi thinking. "If you don't mind I would like to leave" Glanced around the room wanting to jump out the window. "Yeah The doctor said you can leave when you wake up."

I never ran to the bathroom the change so fast. I came out in my ninja clothes and I walked out the hospital. As both team 7 and 5 where walking I saw a shop and ran inside. I bought a a matching moon and sun bracelet. I payed and ran out. I walked next to Sasuke hiding the bag.

~Time skip later that night at 1 am~ Hiroyuki's Pov

Everyone was sleep but me and Sasuke. We had been talking for hours. I sat up and ran into my room and ran back into his room. I climbed on his bed and sat crisscross applesauce. I took out the bag with the bracelets. "I got you something." I said and took out the bag. I handed him the moon and put on the sun on my right wrist and he put his on he's left. "You will always be my light." Sasuke said. "And when the light isn't bright enough you will be my light." I moved my bracelet closer to his and the magnetic force snapped them tonight making the moon full. "I love you Sasuke." I kissed him his cheeks. "I love you too." He pulled me closer before we both fell asleep.

Time Skip next day back home in the leaf village still Hiroyuki's Pov

"So Where are you guys gonna go?" I asked the twins. "We're gonna head home now but don't worry you will see us in the future." Akito smirked and Akio smiled. And with that they walked away. Me and Sasuke started walking towards the Uchiha compound. Well I did Sasuke was trying to lose Sakura and his other fangirls so he took a different way. I walked to my house and opened the door. I took off my shoes and went upstairs. I laid in bed and just looked up at the ceiling.

"Hey Hana and Asami.." I called out they turned around and looked at me. I sighed before hugging them. The where about to punch me. "It's me I just-want to show affection..don't expected all the time actually don't don't expect it ever." I stated blankly and they just looked at me. "Uhm ok?-" Asami said. "Bye." I walked away and didn't look back.

~back to present~ still Hiroyuki's Pov

I started packing the things would need since Sasuke would be here in a few hours. I was going through my draw when I heard a knock at my window. I turned and saw Sasuke. I opened the window and he jumped in. "What are you doing here you weren't suppose to be here for another 5 hours." I walked back over to my dresser. "I just came to help you pack." He mumbled. "Look Hiro I just want you to know that I'm cutting off all ties for this revenge its important to me. But I don't wanna cut off my ties with you." I felt Sasuke rest his head on my shoulder. "Well then it's a good thing we're on the same page."

I turned around and cupped his cheek. He snuggled his face into my hoodie palm since I was wearing a oversized hoodie Arianna Grande style. I went back to my draw and placed some clothes on my bed. "Here lemme help you back." Sasuke walked over and started helping me. I had turned around for five seconds and turned back around to see Sasuke blushing. "What?" I asked and he looking down.

I looked down to see a pair of black laced bra and underwear. I felt my face go reader then a tomato. I snatched them and stuffed them in my back. "Why do you have lace underwear and bra?-" he started but I cut him off "they were on sale ok?!" I turned even more red.

~Time skip~

I had went over Sasuke's place and no just to steal his body wash I helped him pack. I was getting dressed and brushing my hair and teeth since I had been sleep. I grabbed my bag and put it over my shoulder. I made sure I had everything including the best friend charms Asami and Hana got me. I looked back one more time before closing my room door. I walked downstairs and Taiga was sitting by the room waiting for me. "Come on Taigai Sasuke is waiting for us at the gate." I opened the door and let Taiga walk out.

I looked inside my house one more time before closing it and locking it. I sighed before looking down at Taiga "ya know your really small right now but when we get older your gonna have a big glow up ya know." I said. Taiga since a normal wolf. She's a moon demon wolf but this isn't her true form. She's gonna get really big. We started walk to the gate and I saw Sasuke laying Sakura on a bench. I raise and brow and he just shook his head telling me he would tell me later. We made are way out the village and didn't look back. "The next time I return here I will be more powerful and will have my revenge." I said coldly and Sasuke smirked.
It is time my child.

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