Future Part 2

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Hiroyuki's Pov

After I unpacked I walked downstairs and Hana and Asami were messing around while Kakashi sensei was reading his pervert book and Koyko sensei well was no where to be found Sakura was still upstairs but I didn't really care and Sasuke was also upstairs arguing with Naruto. I sat down at the table and started playing with taiga. "You guys should get some sleep we have been traveling all day and we have to get up early tomorrow and some one you won't want to get up." Kakashi sensei says. "I feel like your targeting me." I said deadpanned and he only gave me a closed eye smile. I walked upstairs and went into my room and changed into a undershirt with noodle straps and black shorts. I took out off my headband and took out my eye contacts. Only a few people have seen what my eyes really look like. It's not that I'm ashamed of them it's just that I don't wanna draw any attention to myself and have eyes on me. Just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine. Of course Sasuke has seen my real eyes and so has Hana and Asami as well as Naruto. I walked out the bathroom and was tying my hair back and saw Sasuke on my bed blushing and smirking. I was confused at first but then remember I was in a undershirt and he could see my boobs. "pervert my eyes are up here!" I said pointing to my eyes. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey didn't Akio and Akito remind you of..well us?" I asked sitting up looking at the duck-butt. "Yeah Akito looks like me though but it's weird." Sasuke said. "Meh whatever anyways get your ass out my room and let me sleep." I said kicking his butt as Taiga walked in. "Fine fine." He said getting up and walking over to me. "Good night I love you." The black haired boy said before kissing me on my lips. "Love you too." I said smiling at him and it wasn't a mean smile it was a happy smile because one of the people who I had wished to be in my life again was back. I had someone other than Taiga from my past. Someone who I loved and still love. "I love it when you smile." He said cupping my cheek in his hand. I only smirk at him as a responds. "Are you two one with the Love you Dovie stuff?" A older voice said. I flipped over and slammed my face into my pillow not wanting Kakashi sensei to see my eyes. "I don't want any baby's on this trip." Kakashi sensei said making both me and Sasuke blush. "WERE ONLY 14 FOR THE LOVE OF THOR KAKASHI SENSEI!" I yelled into the pillow.

"You can never be to careful now lights over love birds." Kakashi sensei said before walking out leaving the door open for Sasuke. "pervert old ass man." I said sitting up. "I heard that!" Kakashi sensei said. "Good because it's true!" I yelled back crossing my arms under my chest. Sasuke rolled his eyes before kissing my cheek and walked out. "Good night." He said one last time before walking out. I let out a sigh as Taiga jumped onto the bed and snuggle close to me. "Me and you gotta train more together I feel like we haven't been hanging out a lot and your a my wingman or wing girl? Wing dog?- PARTNER YOUR MY PARTNER!" I said having a Conversation with Taiga we just gave me a 'I don't know wtf your saying' face. I sighed before laying down and stared at the ceiling before falling into the darkness.

~Time skip to the morning next day brought to you by Katsuki Bakugo from bnha Aka the author's husband 😀~ (still Hiroyuki's Pov)

"Come on Hiro get your fat ass out of bed." A voice said. I knew it was Hana but I didn't care enough so I just flipped over. That was before something kicked me out of bed. "OW! YOU SON OF A B-" before I could continue I was cut off. "language." Kakashi sensei said as he walked pass my room reading his pervert book. I groaned before looking up at Hana who was still in her pajamas. "Come on get up we're going to eat breakfast Koyko sensei made since we didn't eat dinner last night also we can't wake up Sasuke." Hana said as she followed me into the bathroom and kept talking while I put my black eye contacts in and brushed my teeth. "Mhm." I responded since I had my tooth brush in my mouth. Hana rolled her eyes before walking out my room. After I was done brushing my teeth and washed my face I walked out my bathroom and grabbed a over sized hoodie from my bag. It was a black hoodie with the Uchiha symbol on the back. I pulled my hair out of the back of my hoodie and walked out my room. Since this hoodie was so big you couldn't see my hands or shorts it was like a dress it went all the way down to my knees. Just how I like it. I walked over to Sasuke's room not bothering to knock only to him half naked putting on boxers. We both froze before I slammed the door and was blushing very hard. "You can come in now." I heard him say from the other side of the door. I slowly opened it and poked my head in to see him laying on his bed with clothes on and his arm over his eyes at the edge of his bed. I walked over and climbed onto his lap and pecked him on his lips. "Ya know I would say sorry for not knocking but saying sorry is not my thing." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. Sasuke smirks and moved his arm from covering his eyes and look at me dead in my eyes. "What?" I asked smirking down at him. He flipped me over he was now onto of me. "When will you stop wearing those contacts?" He asked moving a few fallen strands of my hair out my face. "Not sure maybe never you know I don't like drawing attention to myself Uchiha." I said crossing my arms. "So your saying I will never get to see your beautiful eyes?" He said with a smirk I only blushing and covered my face. "I hate you." I said pushing him off me before walking out. "Love you too." I rolled my eyes but smiled. I saw Akio about to walk down the stairs so I ran up and jumped on her back and she carried me downstairs since she was taller and seemed a bit older then me. I walked over and sat down. Sasuke came down and sat next to me and soon Sakura came down and sat next to Sasuke trying to get his attention but failed miserably. As we ate kakashi sensei cleared his throat, "I forgot to mention since we will be on the beach some of you will be waitresses while the other half will be helping in the kitchen. But we will all be in swimsuits." When the word swimsuits left his mouth I started chocking on my orange juice. "I'm sorry what?" I said in between breathes. "What that you will be wear swimsuits?" He asked. "Yeah no hehe not gonna happen goodbye." I said and got up and went upstairs and locked the door. "THERE IS NO HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANT WHO CAN GET ME TO COME OUT THIS ROOM AND WEAR A SWIMSUIT!" I yelled from my room and laid on my bed like a star.

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