chapter 14: westview

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*y/n wakes up on wandas couch, everything looks like it's from the dinosaur age*

y/n: wanda what in the rockity rock rock dust must crust shit is this

wanda: its my home...our home

y/n: your hot but im only into milfs

*tommy and billy walk in and hug wanda.*

billy: hi mommy!

y/n: *sharting alot*

suddenly there is an explosion and the entire rock house starts shaking and all the rocks crumble and crush and kill billy and tommy.

wanda: no

*y/n and wanda walk outside and c the barrier to westview broken and the falcon is there*

sam: wanda stop

wanda: ok *stops*

sam: *picks up y/n and flies away*

y/n: *shits like a bird everywhere they fly past.*

sam pov: she's so...bird into that


sam: you have such a way with words. do you want to meet my family

y/n: no

sam: *drops y/n into the ocean*


*before y/n drops, all of the sudden spiderman comes out of nowhere and swings and picks up y/n and brings her to safety.*

tom poland: are you ok?

y/n: *coughs spit into his face* yes

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