finale - extra

205 11 40

i felt like the story didn't feel wrapped up so i decided to leave you with one last chapter, thank u for coming on this ride with me 💕 - author

In the cold air you wrapped your cardigan tighter around your 3000 pound body. You stood on the beach watching the waves of your hometown for the very last time. It was a small city, but it was yours. The plane took off in an hour and it was about time you got going. You didn't really want to leave but you didn't mind as much, you'd go anywhere with Iron can. You finally felt at peace, the chase was over. This was the end of the line. You were ready to start a new chapter of your life. Maybe you didn't need a significant other but Iron can had changed everything you'd known in the last few months. You took one last breath of the salt filled air then turned around and began walking to your car and driving to the airport.

You said goodbye to your car then walked inside the terminal to see Iron can and your two kids. Iron robert jr and canned beans. You were moving away since New York gets destroyed once a week and you needed somewhere safer for your kids. Iron can and you decided on a much more safe town to raise your children in, Gotham.

Iron can: *can noises*

y/n: With you? I'd go anywhere

Everything faded to black.

And then Y/n woke up.

It was all a dream.

she shaddied one last time

it stink realty bad

john walker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now