chapter 15: the boat

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*sam flies back around and steals y/n from tom poland and begins flying to his sister sarahs house*

*y/n had changed her mind and did want to visit his family since sarah was a milf and sam was hot*

*sam drops y/n at the house* "go talk to sarah i will go work on the boat"

*y/n was given little to no context and ended up walking in the wrong house. the old lady inside hit y/n with a sandal and y/n killed them then hid the body and found sarahs house*

sarah: hello!

*y/n blushing* do you have a bathroom

sarah: yes i do

*y/n in head: don't mess this up y/n..*

y/n: where is it

sarah: that way

y/n: what way

sarah: that way ↔️

y/n: that is confusing but ok

*y/n walked in the bathroom and ended up exploding the toliet* "what do i do now"

*sarah walks in and see that her toliet had exploded*

sarah: i still love u

*y/n walked over to sarah and smiled and then sam walked in and saw you with her*

sam: are u cheating on me...with my sister?

y/n: yes

*y/n runs away*

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