chapter 5: resurrection

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y/n: *wakes up in a casket and then uses elemntal pwoers to rise the casket from the earth and pops open the casket and gets rlly mad and goes AHHHHH and then accidently dummons all 9 infinie  stones and absrobs them and becomes most powerful
thanos: "hot"
y/n: *snaps fingies and he obliterates* "another one bites the djst hahaha"
peter parker: "haha I love led zepplin"
y/n "just cause im a girl doesn't mean I can't Kick ur ass"

john walker heard that she had wokem up and walked up to her and decided not to tell her about the baby he aborted
john walker: Omg I missed u

Y/n: "no u fucking killed me U look like that Fat bitch from UP"
*uses infonity stome to turn him into a soccer ball and then kicks the ball into outer space *
jogn walker as a soccer ball: AGAHHAJAHRHHRHAHAH
y/n: "I don't need no man I am a indepemdnet wamen"

*bucky hears commotion and comes out of nowhere with the baby in his hand*
bucky: "is this ur"

y/n pov
y/n in mind: "he's so hot
y/n "is that my baby omg so cool hello I am y/n wanna be the dad

buckys pov
im so young and so traumatized but she's so hot I can't say no

john walker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now