Chapter Forty Two

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We were driving to dinner after our session. I kept looking at Val, seeing how anxious she seemed. I leaned my head on the seat and watched. Her bottom lip was red and swollen from biting it too much, she constantly rubbed hand on her pants and those cheeks kept puffing out.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"What?" She glanced at me. "Nothing, why? Is something wrong?" She hurried out. "Did you forget something?"

"You seem nervous." I reached my hand out to move some hair behind her ear.

"Me? Nervous? Pshh, no." She chuckled nervously.

"Seriously baby, what's going on with you?" I frowned.


I didn't push and let it go.

"What happened to your Lamborghini?"

She showed up with the mustang Lena uses.

"I wrecked it when Danny and his father tried to stop me." She cleared her throat, giving me the side eye.

"Huh." I raised a brow. "Did you take this one back from Lena?"

She pouted as she shook her head. "Mom told me I couldn't. Apparently it's hers now."

I laughed at her sad face. "I'm sorry, just get a new one."

"Yeah, I guess." She smiled.

She pulled into the driveway and got out to open my door. I thanked her and hand in hand we walked inside.

"Oh, lemme see." Lena ran up to me and took my hand.

"Lena-" Val started.

"See what?" I asked as she lifted my hand to examine it closer, only to frown and glance at Val.

Then she took the other one and did the same. "Yeah, you were right, she definitely has fat fingers." She walked off.

"What the hell." I laughed looking over to my dark haired beauty. "Fat fingers?"

"I-I didn' was her!" She pointed in the direction Lena walked off to.

I glared at her and walked to Violetta. I greeted both her and Aurora, taking a seat on the spare spot between them.

"Sorry we're late."

"That's alright." Violetta patted my hand. "Aurora cooked dinner."

"Ah, are you as good a cook as Val?" I looked over at my Italian only to see her frowning at me.

"No, I'm better." Aurora smirked at her cousin.

"You wish." Val scoffed and took my hand, making me stand again. She sat down on the armchair and tugged me down on her lap, holding my waist. "Much better."

I smiled down at her, amused by her jealousy.

"We thought something else held you both up, but seeing both your state, we were wrong." Aurora spoke.

My face amd neck heated up, knowing she meant the marks Val left on me, and I on her.

"Stop it, leave them be." Violetta laughed. "Go get the kids, I'm almost dead now with how long we waited to have dinner."


"Where are we going?" I asked when she passed my street.

Dinner was spent laughing and mostly making fun of Val's obvious jealousy. It was cute really. Anytime Aurora sent an innocent question my way, Val not so subtly pulled me closer or took my attention away.

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