(22)Morning Doves

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Their chirps awaken my eyes 
Their tiny little whispers flowing in the wind
I hear them and try to forget

Forget the hurtful things my mind tell me
Forget all the hardship, the pain, the tears
The feeling of never ending sadness.

If I listen long enough I feel it all fade away
Following the stream down the gutter
I almost start to remember why I'm here

Remember that I've subconsciously kept myself alive
Remember the reasons I smile in the morning
Remember the memories and laughter
The points in my life where I am free.

If I stay too long they'll leave too
Eventually they all do
The light will dim and the songs will fade
And once again I'll be alone with my thoughts
Sat in silence with eyes closed
Staying in the shadows to hide
Until I hear their songs open my eyes.


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