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"Wait. What happened? We were almost there," Ramsey asks as her computer shows signal lost. "They've cut the signal! I can't finish the hack!"
"What do you mean?" Rome asks as Tej types quickly on his computer.
"Brian, Lina, they took out the tower!" Tej says over the walkie as Catalina picks Brian up.
"There has to be another way," Ramsey says as she types on her computer.
"Wait. I'm seeing half a dozen cell towers between Sixth and State," Catalina says as she drives.
"That will work. Brian, if you can get to the top of any one of those buildings around there, we can reroute the signal manually and finish the job," Tej explains as he types on his computer.
"I'm on it," Brian says as Catalina stops so Brian can get out before he runs down the street.
"Them boys is on us," Rome says as they start being chased by several cops.
"Man, them boys ain't ready for this!" Tej says as he shakes his head.
"Shit!" Rome yells as the drone blows up a car in front of them. "First the tank, then the plane. Now we got a spaceship?"
"That's not a spaceship, that's a drone!" Tej corrects him.
"Oh, it's a drone? Now, you gonna break it down and be articulate like you already know what the hell is going on?" Rome complains as he drives.
"Shut your ass up and drive the car," Tej yells at him before trying to drive from the back seat.
"Letty the football's on fire. We need help!" Rome says over the walkie.
"Hang on! I'm coming!" Letty answers him.
"Ramsey, get ready to go again!" Rome orders her before they all three jump out of the car as they drive under a overpass. Ramsey quickly gets into Letty's car before she takes off. "Gotta get out of here. It's on your trail and it's coming fast."
"Got it," Letty tells him.
"So, if this car goes down, who's coming to save us?" Ramsey asks Letty, panicked.
"Save us, honey? We're it," Letty answers her with a slight chuckle.

"Where are we headed, Tej?" Brian asks as he runs through a building.
"There's a service elevator past the maintenance sector," Tej answers him. "It'll take you directly up to the repeater. Brian, you gotta hurry!" Four men then swing into the building in front of Brian, who ducks for cover as they start shooting at him. Brian uses a cart to roll across the ground as he shoots at the men taking out two of them. Brian closes the door between him and the other to men before rolling out of the way because the two men starting shouting through the door. Brian starts running up the stairs to the top. Keit, one of the men, runs up a dispenser, catching up to Brian. Keit knocks the gun out of Brian's hands before slamming him against the door to the stairs. The door breaks sending them down the stairs. Brian tries to get up and run but Keit grabs him, slamming him into a wall. They start fighting before Brian pushes a table towards Keit causing Keit to walk backwards up a wall. Keit flips over, kicking Brian in the face. Brian gets up blocking another kick before being kicked to the ground again. Brian grabs a 2x4 board before hitting Keit in the stomach with it. Keit tackles Brian to the ground before punching him in the face. Brian connects a hook to Keit's belt before kicking the roll of rope that the hook is attached to. The roll of rope rolls into a elevator shaft.
"Too slow!" Brian yells at Keit, who is dragged into the elevator shaft.

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