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"Tej, talk to me, what have we got?" Hobbs asks as he and Riley stand in front of a screen.

"We were able to track Shaw after he left you and Dom," Tej starts explaining. "But this guy's smart, so we could only track him so far. He seems to know all the city's blind spots. See, we lost him somewhere in here, which means he could be anywhere, within that half a mile radius. Maybe if we cross reference phone records, leases..."

"No, this has got Shaw's name written all over it," Riley says causing Catalina to look at her suspiciously as she walks over. "We've got vantage points, multiple exits, subways, highways and storm drains."

"Bad ass and brains," Hobbs says. "Woman, you keep that up, I'm going to be out of a job."

"It's that building, if they haven't moved yet since he left me with you all," Catalina says as she points at the building.

"All right, lets go nail that son of a bitch," Hobbs says as he gives a nod of appreciation to Catalina, before she walks over to Dom.

"So, what is Shaw's plan?" Dom asks her as he looks up at her.

"I don't know," Catalina says with a sigh. "He's incredibly sneaky and secretive. He never tells us the plan until right before we go to execute it. My guess is out of fear of us getting caught."

"He's smart, I'll give him that," Dom says with a nod. "Why didn't you bring Letty home as soon as you found her? Why didn't you tell me, Lina?"

"You have to believe me when I say that I wanted to call and bring her home but I couldn't ," Catalina tells him sadly. "When I found Letty, she had no memory and had been apart of Shaw's team for over a year. She didn't even know who I was. So, I did the only thing I knew to do and that was protect her. I joined Shaw's team and have been trying to come up with a way to get Letty home ever since."

"How did you find her?" Dom asks her causing her to let out a sigh.

"I'm undercover," Catalina answers him. "I'm working for an US agency that won't come up on any records. The boss of the agency approached me with the file on Letty. I should have told you. I'm so sorry, Dom."

"It's okay," Dom says as he pulls his sister into a hug. "Just tell me next time." Catalina nods before she walks over to Tej, who barely glances up at her.

"Look if I was you, then I probably wouldn't want to talk to me either," Catalina tells him. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I never wanted to hurt you. I should have told you the truth instead of just disappearing. I'm so sorry, Tej."

"I get it," Tej says with a sigh having heard her conversation with Dom. "I forgive you." Catalina smiles at him before gently grabbing his hand. Tej smiles before pulling her into a hug. "God, I missed you."

"I missed you too," Catalina tells him before kissing his cheek.

The contact 'Samoan Thor' pops up on Tej's phone before he answers it, causing Catalina to raise her eyebrows in question.

"Yo, it's Hobbs," Tej says getting everyone's attention.

"What have you got, Parker? Give me something good," Hobbs asks him.

"Yeah, That paint you got from Shaw's place is highly specialized. Anti-thermal, low-IR coating," Tej explains to him.

"It's Military," Catalina states as she and Dom share a look.

"Exactly," Tej says in agreement. "We got a list of bases around Europe that uses this paint type and those specific colors."

"All right lets cross reference that with all of Shaw's military targets," Hobbs orders. "I guaran-damn-tee you one of them is gonna match."

"Bingo," Tej says after typing on the computer. "It's a NATO base in Spain."

"That puts Shaw in a different country," Catalina says as she looks at Dom worriedly.

"That means he's got an eight hour lead on us," Dom says as he looks around at the team.

"We gotta move now. Tej, give me that info. Riley and I will go ahead and we're going to lock down the base. We're going to protect that component personally," Hobbs explains as the team gathers around the phone. "Toretto, I'll arrange transportation for you and your cars. You brush up on your Spanish, boys and girls. I'll see you en España."

The elevator opens for Brian to see the team heading towards it with their bags.

"You son of a bitch! You made it!" Rome says with a laugh as he drops his bags before he and Brian bro hug.

"Good to see you," Tej says as he and Brian bro hug.

"So, what's going on here?" Brian asks as Han and Gisele walk over.

"Figured out that they're hitting an army base in Spain. Border patrol ID'ed Shaw's men crossing through last night," Tej answers him.

"Hobbs and Riley went to lock down the base," Han tells him as they fist bump. "They're going to meet us there."

"Where's Dom?" Brian asks as he looks over at Gisele.

"He wasn't going without you," Gisele answers him as she looks behind her.

"I found out what happened to Letty," Brian says as he walks over Dom. "It's all my fault."

"Brian, Whatever you found out, that's for you," Dom says as he faces him.

"What we're about to do now is for Letty," Catalina says as she walks over to them.

"Lina?" Brian asks as he looks at her shocked.

"Brian," Catalina says with a smirk before pulling Brian into a hug.

"I just got word they caught one of Shaw's men at the base," Tej says as he walks over to everyone on the plane. "It's time."

"Something's not right," Brian says as he looks at Catalina and Dom. "He wanted us to find that guy. Think about it. At Interpol, you were face to face with him."

"Brian, so what are you saying?" Rome says as everyone stands together.

"Braga said the only way you get near Shaw is if he wants you to," Brian explains to him.

"Tej, where's that component?" Catalina asks as she looks at him.

"They're moving it to a secure location," Tej answers her.

"Brian's right. Shaw ain't hitting that base," Catalina says as she looks at everyone.

"He's hitting the convoy," Dom says in agreement as Brian and Catalina nod.

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