
10.5K 220 1

The next day, Han tries the track.

"Close, but not enough," Gisele tells him as he gets out of his car.

"Lina, Dom, the window is too small, man," Han says as he turns to face the siblings, who are working on a car. "Only way we're going to beat the cameras is with invisible cars."

"And I know just where to get them," Catalina says as Dom lowers the hood of the car they were working on. "Let's take a ride, boys."

Gisele drives the van by the police station before Catalina, Dom, Brian, Han, and Rome climb on top of the van and over the fence. They each get into a car before driving off. Catalina pulls up to a red light with Brian and Dom on either side of her.

"It's been a while since I've been behind the wheel of one of these," Brian says as he looks at the dashboard.

"First time I've ever been in the front seat," Dom says with a smirk as Catalina nods in agreement, causing Brian to chuckle. Han and Rome then pull up on the other side Brian.

"Hey, Rome, what took you so long?" Brian asks him in a teasing tone. "I thought for sure you'd be showing up with some chrome spinners or something."

"Real funny," Rome says with a chuckle before glaring at Brian. Rome then grabs the speaker before talking into it. "I got $100,000 that says I can take you all in the next quarter-mile." Catalina and Dom share a smile, knowing that he couldn't beat them.

"Yeah, your broke ass has got a hundred grand," Brian asks him.

"If we pull off this job, I will," Rome replies over the speaker. "The next two lights. Hundred thousand."

"We don't pull this job off, we're probably dead anyway," Han says as he looks at Brian, Catalina, and Dom. "Let's make it a million."

"I like that. All right, a million dollar quarter mile," Brian says as Catalina smiles.

"All right then," Han says as he gets ready.

"You only live once. Lets do it," Rome agrees over the speaker.

"I'm game," Catalina adds causing Brian to turn to Dom.

"What do you say, Dom?" Brian asks him.

"We talking or we racing?" Dom asks him back.

"Just don't cheat this time," Brian says with a smile.

"Got to let that go," Dom says as he rolls his eyes with a smile. They all get ready for the light to turn green as they rev their engines. Rome takes off just before it turns green with his sirens blaring and lights flashing.

"Typical, Roman," Brian says with an eye roll as they chase after Rome.

"I'm going to get this money. I'm hungry," Rome cheers as he is in the lead. Brian gets beside Rome as there is parked cars on both sides of the streets.

"Don't make it too easy for me, boys," Catalina says as she slips between Brian and Rome, taking the lead with Dom following her. Han then passes Rome, putting him in last place.

"Not this time, Dom," Brian says as he pulls up beside Dom and Catalina.

"You got to want it, Brian," Dom says as he looks past Catalina to see Brian beside them. Han then gets beside Dom with Rome getting beside Brian. Catalina, Dom, and Brian stay a little ahead of Han and Rome as they near the last light. Catalina looks over at Dom before she nods with a smile on her face. She wants Brian to win especially since he is with her sister. Dom nods back before they both speed up getting slightly in front of Brian, who speeds up. Catalina and Dom let off the throttle making it seem as though Brian had just passed them.

"Yeah! Owned you! Owned you!" Brian cheers as he wins before they return to the hideout. Brian gets out of his car as he smiles at Dom and Catalina.

"Good race, O'Conner," Dom says as he walks over to the others.

"Thanks, Dom," Brian says before turning to Rome and Han. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for that shit?" Rome smiles at him as they bro hug.

"I told you he didn't see it," Han says as he looks at Brian, who looks between Rome, Catalina, and Han confused.

"Your people right there?" Rome says as he motions between Catalina and Dom. "They let off the throttle at the line. You didn't do nothing. They let you win."

"Bullshit," Brian says as Rome and Han start to walk away.

"I don't know, man," Catalina says with a smirk as she walks away, causing Brian to frown.

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