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Brian stands beside Tej, Catalina, and Rome as Dom walks up to Han's casket.

"They say to live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die," Dom says as he places Gisele's photo on the casket. "But he put you in this grave. So now I'll do the same to him." Dom then touches his head and chest in a cross motion.

"I can't do no more funerals," Rome says as he, Brian, Catalina, and Tej watch.

"First Han. Now Hobbs is laid up, of all people," Tej says as he shakes his head. "We're being hunted." Dom notices a car slowly driving through the cemetery. "You know he's out there somewhere watching, right?"

"I hope so," Catalina says in agreement before she notices two vehicles. "Means he's close."

"Just promise me, Brian," Rome says as he looks at him. "No more funerals."

"Just one more," Brian says as Dom starts walking over to his car. "His." Dom takes off chasing the car out of the cemetery. Catalina notices her brother's car before she walks to the parking lot.

"Catalina Toretto," A voice says causing Catalina to stop as she recognizes it.

"Mr. Nobody," Catalina says as she looks at him confused.

"Lets go save your brother," Mr. Nobody says causing Catalina to nod before they get into a car.

"You never should have messed with a man's family," Deckard says as he glares at Dom.

"I told your brother the same thing," Dom says as he pops his shoulder. "Reinforced your chassis. It's like going into a ring with weighted gloves."

"Your mistake,"Deckard interrupts him. "I'm not here to play games. See, you and me, we're from different worlds. Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to."

"Stick around," Dom tells him. "It's gonna get a lot meaner."

"You thought this was gonna be a street fight?" Deckard asks him as he pulls his gun on Dom. Gunfire starts raining towards Deckard before men drop down from ropes causing Deckard to run. Cars pull in surrounding Dom.

"On the ground," A soldier orders. "Now!" Dom hits the soldier in the stomach with the sledgehammer before knocking a gun out of the way, putting another soldier in a head lock.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy, guys," Mr. Nobody says as he walks over. "We're on the same team here. Mr. Toretto, I'm here on the recommendation of a mutual friend of ours. Mr. Hobbs."

"Who the hell are you?" Dom asks him.

"Me? I'm just a guy," The man answers him. "I'm Mr. Nobody."

"It's a big entrance for a nobody," Dom states. "And the guy that put our mutual friend in the hospital? You just let him get away."

"I think I might have just saved your ass there, Dom," Mr. Nobody says with a smirk causing Dom to tighten his hold on the soldier. "Listen, you think you could let go of my guy there? He's beginning to turn a little blue." Dom shoves the soldier to the ground. "I appreciate that." Police sirens can be heard. "Ah, here they come. Listen, Dom. There's a war going on between shadows and ghosts like me. You and your team unwittingly walked into the middle of it in London and it appears it's now followed you home. It's up to you. We're gonna have a beer. You're welcome to join us." Dom looks at Mr. Nobody confused before Catalina gets out of the car.

"Dom, he can get us Deckard Shaw," Catalina says as she stares at her brother. "He's how I found Letty."

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