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"The beauty of public offices?," Mia asks as she sets down the blue prints of the police station.

"Public records," Catalina answers with a smirk.

"This is where he is keeping the money. The vault in the evidence room," Brian explains as he points it out on the blue print.

"Um. Uh, Yeah. Can I get everyone's attention right here, for a second?" Tej says causing everyone to look at him. "We're talking about breaking into a police station. Is anyone listening to those words? Anybody? Popo? Five-0? One time? Pigs? People we don't like." Catalina smiles at Tej as she holds back a giggle.

"You know, police stations are designed to keep people in, not out," Han says as he crosses his arms.

"That's why it's a stealth mission," Dom tells him. "We'll be in and out before they even know we were there."

"Well, we'll need to get eyes in there," Catalina says as she looks at the blue print. "At least to find out the make and model of that vault."

"So the vault and then, so... It's crazy," Rome rambles as he looks at the blue prints. "Who's supposed to do all this?" Brian and Mia share a look while Catalina and Dom share a look before they all four looking at each other then turning to look at Rome. This causes everyone else to look at Rome. "What do you mean? Why me?"

"Because you got the biggest mouth," Brian answers him.

"That's for damn sure," Tej says in agreement causing Catalina to giggle which causes Tej to smile.

Rome steps off of the elevator with a box in his hands before walking over to the cop behind the window. Catalina steps off of the elevator as she makes sure her wire is where Tej and Brian can hear. Rome doesn't know about the wire.

"Hello, beautiful," Rome says as he sees that the cop is female. "Look at those dimples. Sexy, sexy. Love those glasses. Where did you get them from? Are those like Gucci frames or something? No English?" The female cop gets up before a male cop walks over. "No, no, no. Damn." Brian and Tej laugh at his panic from where they are sitting in the back of their van.

"How are you, sir?" The male cop asks him.

"Special Agent O'Conner. US Federal Bureau Of Investigation," Rome says as he holds up Brian's badge, except it has his picture.

"It says Caucasian," The Cop says as he looks at the badge.

"That's a tan. You know, tan?" Rome says as he quickly closes the badge and runs his hand over his face. "Look, I'm working this case and I got some evidence here to be held. But I need to get in and check your facility first."

"Nope," The Cop says.

"Look, I know you're a true professional, and I respect you, I promise," Rome tries as Catalina holds back a laugh. "You know it looks like you work out a little bit, too. What do you bench, about 350? Ah, shit. Look, I'm just trying to do my job, man. My boss sent me here to just make sure that everything was safe."

"It will be safe," The Cop tells him.

"Okay. Let me just come in and take a quick peek," Rome tried again.

"No," The cop tells him.

"Come on, man. Hook a brother up, please?" Rome asks him.

"No. And you're not my brother," The Cop tells him.

"Brother from another mother?" Rome asks him, causing Brian and Tej to bust out laughing.

"Look! No one enters the facility but authorized evidence personnel," The Cop explains. "Now stop wasting my time. I'm going to call the embassy."

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