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"Fellas, you better hurry up. They just took the convoy," Tej says over the walkie, from his spot on an overpass with Catalina, Han, and Gisele. "And Dom, Letty's with them."

"We stick to the plan," Dom orders over the walkie. Gisele and Han take off on their bikes.

"All right, you heard the man," Tej says over the walkie. "Let's play this fast and clean. That thing's heading your way."

Ivory ejects a wire causing it to connect to the rocks on either side of the road. The front car drives into the wire causing it to flip over. The truck hits the wire causing it to stop and the trailer to raise before Jah drives a tank out of the trailer.

"Uh, guys, we gotta come up with another plan," Tej quickly says over the walkie as he sees the tank. "They got a tank."

"I'm sorry, did somebody just say  'a tank'?" Rome asks over the walkie causing Catalina to roll her eyes. Owen turns the tank gun towards the team and firing. Dom and Brian quickly swerve around the damaged cars.

"Who's got a plan B?" Rome asks over the walkie.

"Plan B? We need a plan C, D, E. We need more alphabets!" Tej panics before Catalina rubs his back to comfort him.

"Hey, we do what we do best," Brian tells them. "We improvise, all right?" Dom quickly turns into lane that the tank is in with Brian and Rome right behind him.

"I'm going to help," Catalina says as she walks over to her bike before putting a headset on.

"Be careful," Tej tells her before kissing her forehead.

"I always am," Catalina says with a smirk before taking off.

"Okay, Jah. Take it to the other side. Lets have some fun," Owen orders causing Letty to look at him shocked. Rome is able to follow after the tank.

"Take their attention away from the people!" Catalina quickly orders over her headset as she starts to catch up. Rome is able to make his way in front of the tank. Owen lowers the tank gun.

"Oh, shit!" Rome says as he sees the gun. Rome hits his brakes as Owen fires, causing it to hit in front of them but the tank runs into the back of Rome's car.

"Roman, you hang in there," Brian says over the walkie. "Hang in there, man!"

"Somebody better do something! I got a tank on my ass!" Rome says as he tries to restart his car.

"There's got to be a break up ahead," Dom says before he and Brian speed up.

"Oh, look a bridge," Owen says before shooting the bridge in front of them. The tank starts to break down the back of Rome's car. Dom quickly speeds up to make it under the falling bridge. Rome climbs out of his car with the cable before attaching it to the tank gun. Brian uses the fallen bridge as a ramp to jump to the other side. Catalina catches up as she uses the fallen bridge like Brian did. Brian hits his brakes until he is beside the tank. Rome quickly jumps onto Brian's car before the tank crushes his car. Brian quickly gets behind the tank as Rome safely climbs inside. Catalina weaves through the cars as Owen attempts to point the tank gun at her.

"Brian, that Mustang would make a nice anchor," Dom says over the walkie as he gets beside Brian.

"Yeah, I'm on it," Brian replies before he starts pushing the crushed car in the opposite side from the tank. Brian is able to knock the car over the edge as the cable wraps around a column.

"What she doing?" Rome asks Brian as they all see Letty. Dom quickly speeds up as Owen turns the tank gun towards him.

"Letty!" Dom yells causing her to look at him. The crushed car catches causing the cable to tighten which causes the tank to start to flip. Dom quickly opens his door as he drives towards the rails. Letty is flung from the tank before Dom crashes into rails and is flung from his car. Dom catches Letty in the air before landing on the hood of a car.

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