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"I get it, y'all three got a lot in common," Roman says as he and Tej try to shoot their shot with Ramsey and Catalina, even though Tej knows he has Catalina. "Computer hacks, God's Eye, geeks, nerd... You know. But we got a lot in common too!"

"Like what?" Tej asks him, confused.

"Either of you girls with me when we walk in the room we oozin' sex appeal," Roman explains, causing Tej to roll his eyes while Catalina smiles. "Me and you, hip to hip, is a problem." Ramsey lets out a laugh at how ridiculous he sounds. "I'm asking the real question right now." Tej smirks as Roman points at him. "Is it gonna be Revenge Of The Nerds?" Tej glares at Roman for the insult, while Catalina shakes her head because she can only imagine the name that he is going to give himself. "Or the dark knight? Huh?"

Catalina holds back a laugh as she realizes that she is glad that Tej is a nerd and not a joker like Roman.

"To be honest I like both of you. No offense Lina," Ramsey says with a smile, causing Tej and Roman to congratulate each other and fist bump while Catalina smiles. "But just before we get into all of that, let me ask you one question."

"You can ask me anything," Roman says with a smile and a nod.

"What's my last name?" Ramsey asks them with a smirk, causing both of them to grow quiet. "When you guys figure it out, then, I guess you can let me know."

"I know Catalina's," Tej says with a smirk as he turns to face her. "It's Toretto, but maybe some day it will Parker."

"Oh really?" Catalina says with a smile as she looks up at Tej.

"Hey, Miss Parker," Tej says with a smirk. "See it even sounds good."

"I'll have to think about it," Catalina says with a matching smirk before winking at Tej, who then pulls her into a kiss.

"Okay, I believe I get the honor of asking this time," Roman says with a smirk as he pats Tej on the shoulder, causing Tej to look at him confused. "So, did he just smack that ass or did he grab and hold on to it?" Everyone laughs while Ramsey is slightly confused since she wasn't in Rio with them.

"I'm happy for y'all!" Ramsey says as she and Catalina hug.

"I'm glad you're happy," Dom says as Catalina walks over to him.

"Thank you," Catalina says as she pulls her brother into a hug. "He'll be here before you know it."

"Hey," Letty says with a smile as she walks over to Mr. Nobody and Little Nobody, who just walked out onto the roof.

"Hey, Letty," Mr. Nobody says as they hug.

"I wanted to thank you," Letty says with a smile.

"No need," Mr. Nobody tells her before walking over to Hobbs. "Well... Cipher's still on the loose. There's been some reports she's in Athens, but she won't be nuking any cities anytime soon. Thanks to you guys. So, I got you a parting favor." Mr. Nobody hands a gift box to Hobbs as Samantha walks over to him.

"This can't be good..." Hobbs says with a smile, causing Mr. Nobody to laugh.

"Your record's been cleared. Full reinstatement," Mr. Nobody explains as Hobbs opens the box to see his gun and badge. "You got your job back."

"That is, if you want it," Little Nobody says as he catches Hobbs slight frown.

"If I want?" Hobbs asks with a smile, causing Mr. Nobody to nod. Hobbs looks over at his daughter, who has a frown on her face before making his decision. "You know, after 16 years, I figure it's time for a little break."

"Wow," Mr. Nobody says in shock as he glances at Samantha.

"Daddy's stayin' home," Hobbs says with a smile as he looks down at Samantha, causing her to smile before hugging him. "Nobody."

Hobbs and Mr. Nobody shake hands as Deckard walks out on the roof with the car seat.

"Keep in touch!" Mr. Nobody tells Hobbs before he and Little Nobody turn to see Deckard. "Ah, hang on a second. This could be interesting."

Deckard walks over to Dom before letting out a sigh as he sits the car seat down.

"What made you think I would do it?" Deckard asks, causing Dom to look up at him.

"Brotherhood," Dom answers him simply before explaining. "I saw that look you gave Cipher, I knew you wanted revenge. Glad I did it." Dom and Deckard shake hands before Deckard starts to walk away.

"I can't believe you went to see my mother," Deckard tells him with a smile, causing Dom to smile before they both laugh. Deckard turns the car seat to where Dom can see his son, before walking away.

"All this fuss over you," Dom says with a smile as he picks the baby up, causing the baby to smile. "Yes." Dom kisses the baby on the head before noticing the baby looking up at the sky. "Elena, I promised to keep our son safe. And now, he always will be." Dom walks over to Letty, who is watching him with a smile. "I wanna introduce you to the most important person in my universe. One who never gave up on me."

Dom offers his hand to Letty, to help her stand before she accepts it. Dom smiles as he wraps his free arm around Letty's back.

"He's beautiful," Letty says as she smiles at the baby, who smiles back at her.

Everyone gathers around the table with Ramsey, Roman, Little Nobody, and Samantha on one side while Letty, Catalina, Tej, Mr. Nobody, and Deckard are across from them on the other side. Hobbs sits at the end of the table while Dom stands at the other end with the baby in his arms.

"You've heard me say that you never turn your back on family," Dom says as he looks around at everyone. "And I wanna thank you all for never turning your back on me and Lina." The baby starts cooing, causing Dom to look at him. "You wanna meet them?" Dom looks over at Catalina, who nods. "Before we introduce my little one, I would like to give my sister the chance to announce the name that she and Tej have picked for their little one."

"Kennedy Jewel Parker," Catalina says as she and Tej share a smile while everyone to claps. Kennedy being the name of Tej's mother.

"Beautiful," Ramsey says with a smile.

"All right. Everyone..." Dom says as his son continues to coo. "Meet Brian." Everyone cheers while clapping, causing the baby to giggle and clap as well.

"Hey, Brian," Catalina and Tej say as they wave at the baby.

"Welcome to the family, Brian," Roman says with a smile, causing Catalina to nod in agreement.

"Okay, I guess it's my turn to say grace," Dom says with a smile before sitting down as everyone grabs hands. "We thank you for giving us family. We sit here in praise." Tej kisses Catalina's hand a few times, causing her to smile as he rests a hand on her stomach. "Thank you for giving us the strength to carry on. May you continue to bless this family as it continues to grow. Amen."

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