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Gisele and Riley are watching Firuz type on the computer before a rover pulls up.

"Oh, shit," Han says as he points it out to Rome. They watch as Ivory, Jah, Catalina, and Letty get out of the rover.

"Sorry, Girls," Firuz says before Jah and Ivory cock their guns. Jah and Ivory start shooting as Gisele and Riley duck down.

"Let's go," Rome tells Han before they start making their way down.

Riley runs out of the office before shooting at Letty and Catalina, who shoot back as they duck to cover. Han and Rome shoot at Jah and Ivory before Jah starts shooting at them. Letty starts running through a tunnel with Riley following her. Jah takes off running once he is out of bullets with Rome and Han following him.

"Hold on. Stay with me. Stay with me," Gisele tells Firuz as she notices that he had been shot. "Tell me where to find Shaw, and I will make him pay for this." Firuz slides his hand down to his jean pocket where Gisele finds his phone.

"Braga," Firuz says before taking his final breath. Ivory gets on a nearby bike before Gisele stands at the doorway of the office. Ivory starts shooting at Gisele as he drives off. Catalina takes a risk before tackling Gisele to the ground, turning and shooting Ivory.

"Put the gun down," Gisele says as she points at Catalina.

"Gisele, listen to me, please," Catalina says as she puts her hands up in surrender. "I'm putting my gun away." Catalina puts her gun in the waistband of her jeans, causing Gisele to lower her gun. "Don't tell the others, but I'm currently undercover to bring Shaw down. Trust what is in that phone but do not under any circumstances trust Riley." Catalina takes off running in the direction she had seen Letty and Riley run.

Letty runs into a train station with Riley following behind her. Letty bumps into a man causing Riley to catch up to her. Riley slams Letty into the wall before punching her in the stomach. Letty punches Riley in the face before going to punch her again but is blocked. Riley slams Letty back into the wall before handcuffing one of her hands. Letty punches Riley in the leg before head butting her causing Riley to let go. Riley kicks Letty in the stomach causing her to land against the wall. Riley goes to knee Letty, who quickly moves causing Riley to knee the wall. Letty gets the other cuff in her hand so she could use it like brass knuckles. Letty starts swinging at Riley, who blocks each one before punching Letty in the face. Letty slams Riley into the wall as Riley goes to knee her. Letty knees Riley in the stomach before Riley grabs Letty by her throat. Letty hits Riley's arm causing her to let go. Riley jumps before wrapping her legs around Letty's head, bringing her to the ground. Riley starts putting pressure on Letty's throat with her leg as Letty tries to get her arm free. Letty bites Riley on the leg causing Riley to let go of her. Letty gets out from under Riley's leg before Riley kicks her. As Riley stands up, Catalina tackles her down the stairs. Catalina gets up before seeing that Riley was slowly trying to get up. Catalina punches Riley, sending her back to the ground. Catalina and Letty quickly get on the subway train in front of them before the doors close behind them. Catalina fixes her hair while Letty stuffs the hand that is cuffed into her pocket.

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