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"Oh, no. Guys, guys! Guys, we have a problem," Mia says from her spot at the computer as each of their profiles pop up on the screen.

"The whole team just got burnt," Brian says from his spot beside her.

"Now we're all wanted," Mia says as she goes back to looking at the computer.

"How did this happen?" Gisele asks as the team walks over.

"US Diplomatic Security Service issued the warrants," Mia answers her as she types on the computer. "Agent L. Hobbs."

"Hold on one second," Brian tells her before pulling up a picture. "Hey, Dom. Is that they guy you saw in the favela?"

"Yeah," Dom answers him.

"Hobbs is the leader of the elite task force for the DSS," Brian starts explaining.

"So he's good?" Tej asks.

"When the FBI wants to find somebody, that's who they call," Catalina answers him, causing everyone to look at her shocked that she would know. "Because he never misses his mark, well besides me. This guy is Old Testament. Blood, bullets, wrath of God. That's his style."

"And right now he's hunting us?" Mia asks her worriedly.

"Dom, we got to move up our timeline," Han says as he looks at him.

"Yeah, but how?" Rome asks. "This thing's already been difficult without Wyatt Earp on our asses. If anything we need more room to breath."

"Roman's right," Catalina says as she forms a plan, causing everyone to look around confused. "I think we need to get some fresh air."

"We've got a hit. '70s Charger," Fusco calls from his spot at his computer.

"Let's get a move on," Hobbs says as he tosses a vest to Hunt.

"Eastbound on Avenida Atlantica," Fusco informs them as they all grab their things. Hobbs and his team quickly race towards where the car is going.

"It stopped about a block ahead," Hunt tells Hobbs.

"Park it. We're going on foot," Hobbs orders over his walkie.

Catalina is leaning against her car as she and the team enjoy the atmosphere around them.

"Hey, Toretto's," Hobbs calls as he and his team walk towards them. Catalina turns towards him with a smirk. "You're under arrest."

"Arrest?" Dom asks him. "I don't feel like I'm under arrest. How about you, Brian, Lina?"

"No, not a bit," Brian answers her.

"Not even a little bit," Catalina says in agreement with a smirk.

"Just give it a minute. It'll sink in," Hobbs tells them.

"We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes," Brian states.

"I don't give a shit," Hobbs says with a glare. "I'm just here to bring in three assholes whose names hit my desk."

"Yeah, sounds like a real hero," Catalina taunts him, knowing how to get under his skin.

"That's funny," Hobbs says as he steps forward. "From a girl wanted in over 40 states for robbery. Or a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for. Or being the sister of some wannabe tough guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench."

"Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor doesn't seem like a bad life," Catalina tells him with a smirk.

"Yeah, real tough. You turn around and put your hands behind your back," Hobbs says as he glares at them.

"I don't think so," Catalina says as she walks towards Hobbs.

"Your mistake is thinking you got a goddamn choice, girl," Hobbs tells her as he takes a step closer before his team quickly raises their guns.

"And you're mistakes?" Catalina says with a smirk. "Thinking you can ever catch me. Thinking you're in America. You're a long way from home. This is Brazil." Catalina raises her arms, causing all of the men around them to raise their guns at Hobbs' team. Catalina smirks at Hobbs as Hunt walks up to him.

"Come on, boss. Another day," Hunt tells him. "Come on, H, it's a lot of heat."

"I'll see you soon, Toretto," Hobbs says to Catalina.

"I look forward to it, Cop," Catalina responds with a smirk. Hobbs walks off before his team follows. They drive off before Tej leans up and calls Mia.

"Tracker's on," Tej tells her.

"Got them," Mia responds as she types on the computer.

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