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"Letty, I don't like telling you this one bit," Hobbs says as he looks away from the base, over at Letty. "But the game's changed. Before, we were trying just to catch Dom and Lina, but now after all of this, I want you to know if I have to, I'm gonna put them down."

"Then you might have to take us all down," Letty says with a nod of understanding.

"I'd die for Lina, so I guess I'll be put down too," Tej adds with a nod before Letty pats him on the shoulder.

"I'm freezing, man." Roman says as he shakes his head. "This ain't for me. I come from a different kind of lifestyle, brah. Ladies know me, they know where I'm at with. I tried to take a piss, I didn't even recognize myself."

"Man, that's entirely too much information," Tej tells him as Ramsey looks at Roman in disgust.

"Well, one thing is for sure," Little Nobody says as he glances over at Letty. "Dom and Lina have gotta be either working with them or making a trade, cause no one will be this insane to hit this place without a damn army."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Letty says with a smirk, knowing Catalina and Dom have always been a strong sibling duo.

"Speak of the Devil," Hobbs says as Dom's charger comes into view, heading for the base.

"Alright, you're both one step closer to that family reunion," Cipher says as Dom nears the base. "Prep the EMP, let's take these defenses down."

Catalina flips two switches before flames come out of a pipe in the trunk of Dom's car. As Dom nears the base, Catalina presses a button causing a wave to emit from the EMP which causes all of the base's power to shut down.

"Gates are open. Let's get this party started." Dom drives through a metal gate as soldiers begin to shoot at his car. Catalina flips a switch again as she sees a helicopter take off, so the EMP will charge. "Alright, Lina, you've got one pulse left in that EMP. Dom, that sub is heavily insulated, you're gonna need to be right underneath it, for this thing to work."

Dom speeds up before busting through another gate. Dom drives underneath the submarine as the helicopter starts shooting at his car. Catalina presses the button again as the EMP regains its charge, causing the helicopter to shut down and the submarine to reset. "Yes, two birds with one stone." Dom drives away from the submarine as the helicopter crashes behind him. "Dom, we are good, head over to the rendezvous."

"Damn!" Tej says as he looks on his tablet to see the submarine's systems coming online. "I think Cipher just rebooted that Sub's NAV to slave its command system."

"What the hell is he talking about?" Roman asks as he looks at Ramsey in confusion.

"In Layman's terms, she just carjacked a submarine," Ramsey explains to him before looking from the submarine to the control room that is behind it. "We can't let it get away, there's the control room. If you can get me into that warehouse I can tap in with the network and counter hack Cipher. Keep it from flowing into water."

"No, what we need to do is get me on that sub," Tej argues with her as he points at the submarine. "I find the weapon's room and I can pull the lunch chip before she can fire any of those nukes."

"That is too crazy," Ramsey says while shaking her head.

"What you're saying it's too dangerous," Tej argues with her again.

"We'll do both," Hobbs finalizes before they each rush to their vehicle.

Dom rams into a truck, causing the truck to explode along with the chemical tank beside it which causes an even bigger explosion.

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