1- Better now?

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Y/n - your name

(Edit: I'm coming back months later to correct this and I'm DYING-)

!TW! - slight mention of abuse and swearing

You woke up to someone harshly shaking you by your shoulders.
   "Y/n wake up! We are all waiting for you!"

You open your eyes to see Tommy inches away from your face yelling.

"What the hell Tommy!"
You say with your raspy morning voice.

You get up pushing Tommy out the
door so you could quickly get dressed.
      This is the second annual road trip you are going on since you have moved in. Every summer you all go on a camping trip to a campsite right beside a beach.  Then rent a cabin in the woods. It's really fun and you enjoy every second of it.

       Ever since you have moved in with everyone you have been feeling a lot better. You ran away from your toxic household after your mother passed away. She was the nicest person you knew and she cared a lot about you. Your dad on the other hand didn't seem to care at all and would take every chance he got to make you life a living hell.

    Once your dad married your evil step mom a year after your mom passed, that's when you had enough, you had to get out of there. Without hesitation you asked your older brother, Clay if you could move in with him and his friends. Without explaining anything to anyone in fear you would ruin the father son bond Clay has with your father.
       You were happier now, living your best life with all the people you care about the most.  Life was getting a lot better.

After quickly getting dressed you grab all of your bags you have packed the night before, and rush outside to see everyone packing up the car. You hand your bags to Sapnap who is helping George stack all the luggage in the trunk of the car.
    You head straight to the back seat to see Tommy and Quackity waiting for you.
       "Finally! You literally take forever!"
Tommy yells followed by his usual loud laugh.

You just roll your eyes playfully and take your seat in the middle of them.
     Tommy and Quackity are your best friends. You guys literally do everything together. You three are inseparable.

       You take a look around to see where everyone is sitting . The van you guys rented is the kind that has three seat in the middle and the back. To get to the back you have to fold one of the end seats into itself, or just hop over the seat which is way more fun in your opinion. The van perfectly fit all eight of you. Clay driving with George being in the passenger seat. Behind Clay on the left is Sapnap with Karl in the middle and Bad to the right behind George. Then of course you being in the middle back seat with Quackity to your left and Tommy to your right.

     After everyone is settled into their seats Clay puts the car into drive and starts driving steadily down the road. This is just the beginning of a three hour long trip to the campsite.

539 words

Sorry this chapter is kind of short, but I hoped you enjoyed it! I had fun writing this and there will definitely be more to come soon! :)
(Edit: I'm sorry for whatever this is)

Road trip :] (Dsmpxthey/them reader)Where stories live. Discover now