9- Turn Back Time

568 11 14

Y/n=your name

Your first person POV:


We have been driving for about half an hour now. We were all in our usual spots. Clay is driving with George in the passengers seat. Sapnap sat in the far left seat in the middle row, Bad sat in the far right seat, and Karl in the middle. I sat in the very back middle seat with Quackity to my left and Tommy to my right.

I like the back seat. The speakers are louder and we could be as chaotic as we want. Even though everyone else hates it when us three are loud. They should be use to it by now to be honest. I have known everyone for years, they should know by now how chaotic I get especially with Quackity and Tommy.

Us three have been best friends for almost four years. We moved here when our mom died, meaning I had to switch schools and that's when I met them. We got really close really fast, it's nice having two amazing best friends who aren't fake. Yes I have had my fair share of toxic friends, but who hasn't.

I was that typical cliche new kid, quiet at first then once they get friends they become more chaotic and loud. Yeah that was me.

I have known Sapnap almost my whole life. Him and Clay have been best friends since they were like thirteen. He has always been like second brother to me.
I met Bad through Clay, they met online. I have known him for like two or so years.

Sapnap introduced me to Karl. They met while filming a Mr. Beast video I think. Something like that. I have known Karl for almost two years now as well.
And finally George. I have known George for awhile now, like six years? Yea something around six years. Clay introduced us, they met online. I don't know where but Clay talked about him A LOT before we met.

When Clay moved out, he moved in with everyone. They decided to all be roommates so it wouldn't cost as much. I don't know why they saw that as an issue though considering they are literal famous content creators and make a lot. I haven't really been one to be on social media, I have social media but I don't really post and I have never even thought about telling everyone I'm Dreams sibling. There has been so many people claiming to be Dreams sibling so I would probably be brushed off as one of those people.


We have now been driving for an hour, time really goes by slow when your bored. I'm actually surprised the car was silent, well not completely silent. You could hear the wind blowing outside of the car and Clay taping on the steering wheel creating his own little beat.

I am SO bored. I didn't really bring anything to do in the car, which was stupid of me. I didn't think the car ride would feel as long as it was.

"I'm so boooooored!"
I complain, dragging out the "o" like a child.
"Yeah same, there nothing to do."
Quackity agrees.
"You guys didn't bring anything to do during the ride? I told you it would take long." Clay says looking at us trough the rear view mirror.

Tommy was just scrolling through his phone not even acknowledging anything that's happening. Bad was petting Rat who was sleeping in his lap. Karl was laying his head on Sapnap's shoulder doing I don't know what, I couldn't see over the seat. Sapnap looked up from his phone, placing himself into the conversation. The others didn't really pay much attention.

"Wanna put on some music?"
He asks, trying to give us something to do. He has always been that person in the group that controls the music when there was any. We have the same taste in music so I never complained.

"Ooo yeah!"
I reply looking at Quackity who also had an excited expression. Sapnap connected his phone to the aux cord and started looking through his playlist.

Road trip :] (Dsmpxthey/them reader)Where stories live. Discover now