2- Car ride

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Y/n- your name

The car stays pretty silent at first with
just the radio quietly playing in the background. Everyone is still pretty tired considering it's about eight in the morning, but Clay wanted to leave as soon as possible. He has always been an early riser, so of course it's easy for him to stay awake. George on the other hand is already passed out in the passenger seat.
We sit in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes before Karl speaks up.

"Uhh, Bad? There is something moving in your bag." He states, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Huh? There is?"
Bad replies while pushing his bag more under the seat.

Everyone brushes off Bads weird behaviour.
Not long after Quackity starts complaining about having to use the washroom which turns into a whole thing with Dream and Quackity loudly arguing.

"Please Dream! I gotta go really bad! Can you just pull over somewhere?!"

"We literally left 15 minutes ago, you should have went before we left the house!"
Dream argues, waking George up in the process.

"Can you guys shut up already? You're being to loud!"
Sapnap complains.

"Just pull over Dream! There's a gas station up ahead!"
Tommy screams from the back seat causing you to cover your ears. You have never liked loud noises. Having gotten that phobia from your parents loudly arguing all the time.

"Clay just pull over so everyone stops yelling!"
You shout with your hands still covering your ears tightly.

Dream let's put a big sigh and starts to pull in a gas station parking lot.
Wasting no time Quackity dives over the seat, followed by You and Karl. You didn't even have to go to the washroom you just wanted to get out of the noisy car. You and Karl made your way to the entrance. Quackity already being in the washroom from how fast he ran. Once entering you bolt to the coolers in the back of the store with Karl following close behind. Of course the first thing Karl goes for is a monster, he is obsessed with those. After you pick out the drink of your choice you go up to the counter to pay. Quackity already being out of the washroom, rushes over to get something as well before you guys leave.

You guys get back into your seats, satisfied with your purchases. Karl quickly opens his can of monster eager to drink it, but is interrupted by a muffled bark coming from inside the car.

"What was that?"
Karl asks in confusion.
Bad replies quickly and nervously
"What are you talking about?"

"Yea I heard that noise too, it sounded like a bark."
George states while looking back at Bad suspiciously.
"Well no shit George." Sapnap comments at Georges obvious statement.

"Ok, fine. I brought Rat."
Bad confesses while taking a duffel bag out from under the seat.
"What the hell?!"
Dream says while pulling over to the curb of the highway.
"Yay! Rat!"
You screech while taking Rat from Bad's hands. You start cuddling with her while Dream and Bad start to argue.

"I told you, you can't bring her!"
Dream says in a demanding voice.
"She can't stay home alone for two weeks straight Dream!"

Dream rolls his eyes feeling defeated.
"You have to keep her on a leash at all times then."

"Will do!"
Bad says with the biggest smile across his face. Looking back seeing you, Tommy, and Quackity all playing with Rat.

612 words

I don't know if I added to many details to this chapter, but let me know what you guys think!
(Edit: definitely didn't add enough past self...)

Road trip :] (Dsmpxthey/them reader)Where stories live. Discover now