14- Reunited

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Y/n- your name
Y/n first person POV:

!TW! Slight mention of abuse (just a tiny bit)


I could feel the slight breeze that was still in the air. My feet are cold, now wet from the morning dew covering the grass. The sun just barely hidden, shining surprisingly bright for this time in the morning. Even though my eyes were closed I could still feel the peaceful atmosphere around me. Until I felt something weird on my foot. It felt like a wet slug, or worm. The "slug" kept going on and leaving my foot fast. That was definitely not a slug.

I open my eye to see Rat, peacefully laying by my foot. Licking it. I shot up in surprise. I look to my left. Sapnap was still there, leaning back against his arms. Still asleep, I shake him frantically.

"Sapnap! Wake up! It's Rat!" I scream whisper, still shaking his shoulders like it was the end of the world.

I bend down while still sitting and scoop Rat up into my arms. Sapnap slowly opens his eyes. Quickly coming into realization of what's happening.

"What?! How?! Where was she?" He says in shock, rubbing his eyes to wake up faster. "I don't know, but she's here now!" I stand up and run through the door. I make my way into Bad and Tommys room.

I slowly and carefully open the door to see them both peacefully asleep. Tommy had his hand on Bads face. Poor Bad, he wasn't wrong when he said Tommy is a pain to share a bed with. I quietly laugh to myself while making my way over to the left side of the bed, the side Bad was sleeping on. Rat still in my arms, I carefully shake him.

"Bad! Wake up! Look who it is!" I scream whisper, trying not to wake up Tommy. Bads eyes slowly start to open.

"What- what's happening?" He asks sleepily. "Put your glasses on, quick!" I say, picking up his glasses and handing it to him. He slips his glasses onto his face, his eyes start to widen when he sees who I'm holding.

"RAT!" He screams, not caring how loud he just was.

Tommy jolts awake at the sudden loud noise Bad made.

"Thank you so much y/n!" He says a little less loud. He quickly engulfs me in the biggest hug.
      I have never seen Bad this upset before, in the two years I have known him. It was nice to make him feel better.

Tommy was frantically looking around, confused out of his mind. He looked at Bad who had Rat in his lap, petting her and hugging her.

"Oh." Tommy says before collapsing back onto his pillow.

"What's happening in here?" Clay asks sleepily standing in the doorway to the room. "Y/N GOT RAT BACK!" He screams, louder than he should have. I guess I don't blame him, he really missed her and she was gone for not even a night.

"Rat's back?!" Karl asks appearing behind Clay with a big smile. He runs through the door, jumps onto the bed in the middle of Tommy and Bad. He frantically starts petting Rat who is still in Bads arms.

"Karl, what the fuck?!" Tommy screams muffled by his face being buried in his pillow.
"I heard that Tommy, language!"

I look over at the door to see Sapnap standing where Clay once was a second ago, him now sitting on the edge of the bed. I could see Sapnap was thinking. I feel bad putting all that pressure on him.

If you found out a person really close to you was being abused, but you weren't allowed to say anything you would be bothered as well. Anyone would being put under that much pressure.

I could hear slow, soft footsteps walking down the hall towards the room we were all in. George appears from behind Sapnap who was still standing in the doorway.

"George! Rats back!" Bad yells to George, noticing his presence.
"Oh, that's nice" George says rubbing his eyes. He looked so tired. He made his way to where Clay was sitting and sat in his lap. To tired to process what he was doing. He fell back asleep in Clays lap, leaving my brother with a deep shade of pink across his cheeks.

I was still standing beside Bad who was still embracing Rat with love, Karl was still sitting in the middle of Bad and Tommy. Tommy's face was still buried in his pillow, making angry tired noises.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and started to pet Rat as well.

"No one told me there was a party!" Quackity exclaims jumping onto the bed, waking up George and making Tommy even more annoyed.

"Aye, Rats back!" Quackity yells, giving Rat a hug.

"Aaaand that's why we don't bring Rat on trips like this." Clay says dragging out the "a" dramatically.


Words 825

This was more of a short filler chapter to prepare everyone for a long chapter coming soon ;]

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