Chapter 38: Deal With the Cheerleader?

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The bright sun leaking through the curtains annoyed me as it hit my eyes. I was very tired and felt as if I hadn't slept a single minute last night. My legs screamed as I tried to get out of bed only to fall down due to the numbness still present.

I heard my sister on the other side of the door calling for me to get up. She said something else, but my tired brain didn't compute. That was until the door opened slightly and a tuff of brown hair peeked through.

"Maksean" a deep voice sang out. Though it morphed into laughter as the blue eyes found my fallen form. "What happened?" The smile on his lips showed off his teeth and dimples.

I huffed as I willed my legs around to stand. "Nothing, the floor wanted a hug and it seemed cold so I held onto it for a bit longer so it would get warm. That's all." I started allowing him to guide me upwards so I didn't fall again. I realized he was completely ready for school and was still in my shorts and sweater. "Wait, what time is it?"

Asher's lips curled as he answered, "Oh just seven forty five. Come on let's go." He grabbed the first pair of jeans and threw them at me. "I'll be downstairs."

He left and I had to resist the urge to scream. Just a few days ago I was the one waking him up and saying that same thing. The thought made me wonder what will happen when we both sleep in on the same day. I shake my head and change pants. After brushing my hair I figured a simple ponytail would suffice for today.

I grabbed my school bag and ran down the stairs. I had only come close to death three times on my way down.

"Good morning Maskie, late start?" Adrian questioned with an amused look. Asher stood across from her by the door.

I smiled at her then proceeded to drag my boyfriend out to the truck that was already running. "I cannot believe I slept like that." I started, wiping my face only to realize I didn't have my glasses on. "Wait, Ugh!" I groaned just as I sat down. "I forgot-"

"Glasses, yeah. You did," Asher held the thick framed glasses in his hand and set them down between us as he buckled up. He laughed at my expression when he turned around to face me. "Ready?" He pulled out of the driveway and headed to school without another word and that smug smile still high on his lips.

When we were parked next to the familiar black truck, Luka and Dani were nowhere to be seen. I figured they must have gone to the band hall early like they used to.

"Hey sleepy head, let's go." Asher was already out of the truck and opening my door before I could even tell what happened.

"Thank you," I hopped down from the truck and stood in front of him. I leaned forward to peck his check before turning to the back doors to grab my bags.

The morning went back with the two of us talking and Rooney trying to ask us some questions to get the "full scoop" on our relationship. We ended up getting rid of him when we finally told him that we had been dating for about a month. He deemed that worthy and left with his large charming grin. Class started only ten minutes later, and with that we parted ways.

I began to wonder if there was something I was forgetting or if something had happened. Asher's behavior was a bit off. Not a lot to be noticed at first, but enough for me to wonder. While he is usually up early, he wasn't ever the one to wake me up. And there was something about how he acted on our way home last night. The truck was in total silence for a while until I asked him if he finished all his homework only to be questioned about how I felt. The tone and atmosphere reminded me of my conversation with Dani a day or two ago. But I knew she wouldn't have told Asher, not after I explained why I hadn't brought it up in the first place.

The morning flew by and I was in English with Dani when I noticed an odd gaze directed my way. Piercing blue eyes trying to burn my brain with their stare. Honestly she just looked constipated, but I didn't laugh at the thought. Instead I stood up from my seat and made my way towards the empty desk behind Nichole where her absent friend would sit.

"Nichole, I want to talk." I stated as I felt the cold chair make contact with my jeans. The cool plastic could be felt even through the thick denim.

The blonde didn't enjoy my request, and from the corner of my eye I could see Dani's confused and annoyed expression.

"Why would I want to talk to you?" Nichole asked harshly before beginning to pick at her freshly painted nails. She was now sporting a purple set of acrylics and I could tell she had an idea of what I might want to talk about.

"Samuel and his goons have started to make it a habit to come by the diner I work at. A few of his out of town buddies stopped by last night." I started earning her gaze once more. I paused to see if she wanted to interject, but when she didn't, I continued. "I don't know Samuel, he said he remembered me from playing at football games, but I don't know him. I also don't know why he asked Asher about me and told him he wanted to ask me out, but I don't care either. I am with Asher, and I really like how things are. But I think what Samuel said got to him for a moment, especially when he saw his friends at the diner last night."

I watched as Nichole looked back down at her nails before using them to scratch her hands. Her blonde hair, that was held back in a nice braid, draped over her shoulder. It wasn't long before she started to pick at it.

"Nichole," I earned her attention. "Do you like Samuel? Like really like him?" I asked her to clarify before I went through with my plan.

The blonde looked down once more before looking back up. With her blue eyes shining a bit brighter she answered. "Yes, I do. I don't know why, but I do."

I smiled slightly. "Sometimes, there isn't a definite answer as to why we feel the way we do towards people. But I might know a way to help you."

Her stenzled brows arched with confusion. "How would you do that?"

"Samuel only noticed me when I was working and waiting tables. He had been playing football the same time I played at the games. If he wanted to actually take notice of me, it wouldn't be when I wasn't cheering him on. Something about the diner waitress thing was what made him stop and look at me." I started, but stopped when I saw the confusion deepen. "Stay with me, Nichole. Lately we have become more popular, and could use extra help. We have to have both owners in the kitchen and I end up serving all by myself. The only other waitress bartenders for another place when I work. So if I can put in a good word, and you can be nice to others. All we have to do is get Samuel there and let you work some magic." I explained, watching as the slow realization crossed her face.

"Why would you do that?" She asked. Honestly not the question I'd ask. I didn't think this would work at all, but it was the only thing I could think of.

"Well, I already told you I don't like the guy, and I think his words upset Asher. And I guess this is just an I'm sorry, " I answered softly while rubbing my arm.


"I realized you were just trying to fix your relationship with Asher when I came along, so I guess maybe helping you get the boy you like might make it right. So think you can trust me enough for this to work?" I asked, reaching my hand out to seal the deal.

She eyed my rough hand that still had white tape wrapped around a few of my fingers to prevent blisters from this morning's rehearsal. I was almost surprised she didn't want a tissue to interrupt our hand shake judging by her state. But when she did connect our hands, I noted the difference between her slender fingers, usually only holding pom poms, with her neatly painted nails and shiny bracelets verses my wider, rougher looking hands the only jewelry being the milkshake bracelet that matched Asher's waffle one. My nails were pitiful compared to hers, but I always blamed the drum line since the rim shots required in many of our cadences would simply chip around at any work I tried to do to them.

"Okay, I like your plan. It seems brilliant." The blonde smiled at me, but I had to admit it was an odd one. Oddly real looking, and not the fake, judging one I was used to. 

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