Chapter 23

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Third person

Robert and Ryan were having a stare down for a few seconds, but to them it felt like a hour. Suddenly the room went silent and ripples formed in the drinks. In the distance roar sang out. Everyone was dead silent. Then the roar was closer. A waiter walked outside and was snatched out of site. There was a scream outside and the waiters body was splattered on the ground. You could tell the werewolves went into the alert fighting stance. The humans were screaming and running out to their cars.

There were cars zooming and some crashing together. Some then started to get smashed by an object. Cars started to fly 30ft into the sky. Then the ceiling started to break apart and tumble down. Robert, Ryan and a few others were able to get out ok. Some were still in the rubble. People were running to nowhere panicking.

The mysterious creature appeared in front of everyone. It was not a pretty creature. Just imagine tall as the Empire State Building, brown, face like a Hog, teeth like a sharks, body like a gorilla, and horns like a ram.

Instantly Ryan new what to do she started to focus all her energy. Her powers appeared. The glow surrounded her body and the dress she was once wearing turned into a white combat outfit. Everyone around was shocked and some even bowed to her. She started to float and when she reopened her eyes and they were white. Then in a flash she threw the first punch to the creature and it flew a few feet back. Of course the creature got up and charged at Ryan and of course it has magical powers. So it used its magical powers and blasted Ryan into the ground and a curator around her. And there was that smoke type stuff coming off her. I guess the creature was so powerful that it made Ryan's glowing white outfit turn back to the dress she was wearing.

Robert slide down to her and lifted her up bridle style. And to black SUVs raced into the what's left parking lot. Before pulling away. I took my chance to uncover who I really was/am.

"People and werewolves of the human world. I am Lord of the creature world Marcus. I've come here to find the warrior of the Moon Goddess and then I will capture her and force her powers on to me. No one will be able to stop me. Since I've sent my best beast here to weaken the warrior my next step is to send more of them to take down your civilizations. whoever wants to join me will be safe and those who object will of course suffer."

"We will never join you" a few wolfs shouted. Some humans said "sign me up" stupid humans they think they're going to be safe.

As I'm enjoying my triumph of defeating Ryan the warrior of the moon goddess it started to rain. Sadly that was my cue to disappear.

"I'm sorry to say this everyone,but I must be going. There's a lot of planning to be done. Tata for now."

Ryan pov.

I keep phasing in and out of consciousness. When I would wake up I could see the passing of the sky and the trees. But when my eyes would close nightmares would began. There were so many murmurs in the background and I couldn't make out who was who. I didn't even know where I was. My body was extremely sore and my head felt like it was Going to explode. If elf myself being lifted and then place on what felt like grass and smelt of the packs forest. I completely let my guard down and passed out.

Someone from the pack their name shall be Eric pov

So we have been doing border patrols and when I say we I mean myself, Pamela on of the trackers and Jordan my best bud.

"Jordan I'm going to go check the east part of section B." I mind liked him.

"Ok dud I'll meet you up there after I finish the south. I'm almost done." He said back to me.

The east part of the pack territory consists of opened fields and a few streams and trees. Once there I do I glance at everything and even I do it twice. Then I see a glowing light come out of nowhere and pick up what looks like a body. I guess she was finished because she set the body back down and disappeared. Cautiously johging over to the body I gasped at what I saw. No I gasped at who I saw.

"Hey Eric I finally caught up to you. What did you- OMG is that our Luna?! Why is she out here? Eric what did you do?!"

"Jordan chill I was scanning the area and saw a lump that lump is our Luna. Whose has been missing about 2 months. She smells like she has been around rogues. Jordan your sister was in a coma before right? Remember how thin she was still is because she didn't eat. What if something happened to our Luna where she was knocked out cold like coma." I stated to Jordan.

"I don't know man. With all the crazy stuff that's been happening. Your theory could be right. Who knows maybe she'll be able to talk about it." Jordan started to look around, "we better get going. I don't want one of those creatures to show up."

I shifted into my light brown wolf and Jordan laid Ryan I mean our Luna on top so that her stomach was on my back. Once Jordan shifted we started back to the pack house. Well what's left of it. You see the last time anyone saw our Luna was she was going to dinner with an old friend. Then later on that night alpha Ashton received a video of what happened with the glowing and the creature and the evil lord Marcus. The next day the same but different creatures started to appear. We didn't understand at first but once they started to attack everything went down hill. The humans have boarded up their homes, and shops. The school is gone a lot of the packs teens died along with a lot of humans. If they didn't die in the explosion they died later of their injuries. Luckily the beta female got out in time was just a few of the pack teens.

Alpha Ashton made an announcement a few days after the explosion. He said, 'for all those who wish to leave and protect your family may go. You will not be consider a rogue. I promise you that. For those who wish to stay and fight for what's left of your pack home you may. I will not force you to do anything you don't want to.' Mainly the families left with the pups. The omegas left including Madison my mate with our baby on the way. I call her every day. Just to listen to her voice. She was heart broken that I stayed.

Only 100 of us stayed. You may think that's along but we had more than 743,972. Again you might consider that's a lot well the pack contained many pups and elders. We got closer and I mind link the alpha 'alpha cone out here it's important'

"Where am I?" Both myself and Jordan whipped around to see Ryan awake and getting up. "What happened here? where's Ashton?"

"Luna he is on the way. You need to calm down." That probably was a bad choice of words cause next thing I know Ryan shifted and started to growl at me and Eric. She start to show her teeth which is never good and of course she bolted. But what I was expecting never came. I looked and saw Ashton and a crying Ryan in his arms.

"I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me." Ryan sobbed.
"Sweetheart we need to talk." Ashton had concerned clear in his voice.

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