Chapter 16

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Ashton pov

It's the week before Christmas and the whole pack is busy buying, wrapping, the same old story.

A lot has happened in the last few days. Such as Mandy passed away and don't Claire everything. Claire's been silent but she seems to be getting better. Either she's figuring out what Mandy told her or she's thinking her like Fe was a lie. For Claire being as young as she is, she is very smart. Rynn has grown so fond of Claire. And started to raise her as her own.

Rynns moved all her stuff into my room finally! Then she redecorated her now old room into a little girl room but it was still a mature setting. Rynn set it in more vintage style. A very soft pink with white trim. The bed was a full size and The bed frame is that type of cushion material, but the color is a light purple. The dress were a light oak color. Rynn even built from scratch a medium size makeup table with aBig curved mirror. Then she added a big white carpet and the place she had the couches is now the toy area.

Let's just say Ryan has claimed being the big sister of Claire. I guess because they are similar in ways rynn doesn't want Claire to face rogues in the open by herself. If it were up to Rynn no one would every need to be sent out into rogue lands.

Anyways i got a call from Claire's teacher asking us to come speak with her. I'm going to go pick up Rynn then we're heading to the elementary school. Before walking out the door I had realized i was only wearing boxers and a tank. I threw on a green t and some dark jeans and my brown high sperries. Grabbed the keys to the black Nissan Altima and picked up Rynn. When we got to the elementary school. We were greeted by some of the pack members that work there with 'hello alpha' 'nice to see you' 'hope your well' same old same old. Making our way to Claire's class room I saw Claire crying in a corner. I hate see her upset. A few days ago Claire fell off her bike and when she came inside her knees were all bloody and she threw her helmet saying 'I'm never riding again' then she went to her room. Keith made grilled cheese and I brought it up to her. I found her lying on her stomach head in her pillow setting the tray of sandwiches and juice on her night stand I started off with 'I remember when I fell off my bike for the first time. I was trying to show off for a pretty girl. Now this was when I was about 8 or 9 and I never knew about Rynn. Anyways when I fell off my friends started to laugh at me so I ran home. My grandmother came to me and told me to try again and never give up. She said where will you go if you give up and never try. I now follow those words everyday. I think back if I didn't try going out riding that bike I would never be the alpha of the pack. I hope this advice follows you wherever you go.' By the time I was down Claire had been looking at me with a smile playing on her face. After she finished the lunch she went out and tried again.

Back to the meeting. I noticed the the clothes Claire was wearing were torn and muddy and then when she moved her head I saw that her hair was cut in different places. My wolf got super mad, but no as mad as Rynn she was shaking cause she was pissed. Quickly mind linking Charlie and Ryder to take Rynn and then Cassie to come pickup Claire. After everyone left I was finally able to turn and look at the teacher. Her name was Sarah Malcolm.

"Alpha today there was an incident in art class. Lexi Summers another student decided to give Claire a hair cut as she told me that want happened. Then she threw glitter in Claire's hair. Claire pushed Lexi out the door and into the mud while it was raining. So that's what happened and why Claire looks like the way she is. Honestly I am ashamed in myself because this has been going on for some time I just pushed it aside. I would like to have you know I've resigned as a teacher from here and I'm going to go take care of my mother. I'm truly sorry for not mentioning this at an early start." She said as she handed me a letter. I pulled out the contents it was the address and the phone number the Summers residence.

"I wish you luck and maybe later on you'll become a teacher again. Thank you for telling me and giving me this information. Have a great day." With that I walked out of the class and school calling Ryder to see what's going on.

"Hey Ryder." I said
"Hey Ashton. Cassie took Claire to her parents house to get washed up and fix her hair. Rynn's in the gym killing all the equipment." Ryder sighed at the end. The reason being he's going to have to order brand new equipment again.
"I'm sending you the Summers phone number. Tell them I want a meeting at 7:30 pm tonight. And tell them it's important." I said in an angry voice. "Also tell Keith to make some snacks and soup with the relaxing pills for Rynn. She cannot be awake when the Summers get there. It's their little girl that's been bulling Claire."
"I understand. Should I have some of the guards here as well?" Always Ryder to think of back up.
"Yes but only about four. Also have Keith make wings for them. I want everything to be chill until the riots start from the parents." I said with a slight chuckle at the end. I ended the call with that.

Pulling the car in the garage I walked in noticing the soup made for Rynn. I decide to take that to her as Keith finished the rest. In my... I mean our room I saw Rynn's clothes on the ground and heard the shower running. I set the soup on the chest and the foot of the bed. And started to pick up the mess Rynn left for me. Finally spotless Rynn walked out and smiled at me the started to hum. Got she's beautiful. She went to the big walk in closest and dropped her towel I took that as my chance to bend her over and stick my friend in her tight treasure. A moan escapes her mouth and swiftly turn her pick her up and thrust in and out faster her moans got louder. Her body started together tense. She released all over me and I quickly got out of her then she put her mouth around me and sucked me dry.

"So much for my shower. Anyways as much as your cum filled me I'm hungry. Care to join me she said while putting her underwear on.
"I knew you would so that's why I made you some soup. Well actually Keith made it for you so I brought it up. It's potato soup your second favorite."
"Thanks babe. So I can just put my pjs on and watch 'Reign' I'll probably come down and get some ice cream later. Hmmmm this is soooo good. Do you want some?" She asked.
"No thanks i just ate. How is it?" I questioned
"It's yummy I wonder if Keith used a new ingredient in it. Cause there's something different about it."
She starts to yawn so the last bite she took she was fast asleep. I tucked her in and went to my office to wait on the Summers to arrive. Wish me luck.

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